Top 10 Bible Studies for Mother's Day

Mothers have a special calling to love and care for their children and raise them to know God. With this calling come many questions, challenges, and joys. From guidance on raising godly kids, to refreshment for your soul, these Bible studies will equip and encourage moms in their daily walk with God.


Parenting Bible Study Bundle

1. Parenting Bible Study Bundle
Discover how you can raise balanced, Godly children in a chaotic world.
13 Session Bible Study

Parents have the special privilege and calling to guide their children and help them grow into balanced, God-honoring adults. This calling requires constant sacrifice and increasing wisdom. In this bundle, you'll find biblical support for your journey to raise Christ-centered children. You'll also receive encouragement as you learn to manage expectations and grow in your own walk with God.


Becoming a Balanced Woman

2. Becoming a Balanced Woman
Practical, biblical perspectives on self-worth, stress, confidence, and contentment.
6 Session Bible Study

The demands of life pull us in different directions every day. In the midst of trying to keep up, it's easy to start believing lies about our identity and become unhealthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This six-session study guides you to grow in your relationship with God and get practical, biblical perspectives on self-worth, stress, confidence, and contentment.


Children and Materialism

3. Children and Materialism
Learn to make deliberate choices to grow children of faith and stewardship.
4 Session Bible Study

Materialism permeates our everyday life. Commercials, magazines, and the Internet blare societal values that are distinctly worldly, not godly. As a result, many of us have far more possessions than we actually need or use, and this tendency to accumulate things sends the wrong message to our kids.

Ever heard the expression "values are caught, not taught"? We need to walk the truth before our children, not simply share it with them. This four-session study brings us back to basic truths and helps you grapple with how to teach children biblical values such as sacrifice, generosity, and stewardship in an age of abundance.


Women Leaders Bible Study Bundle

4. Women Leaders Bible Study Bundle
Serve God and lead others out of your calling.
13 Session Bible Study

Leadership is fulfilling and demanding. Sometimes, you may feel pulled in 20 different directions, and you can't remember the last time you could truly rest. In this bundle, you have the opportunity to focus on caring for your soul, learn how best to use your spiritual gifts, and connect with God so you can help others do the same.


9-Month Parenting Track

5. 9-Month Parenting Track
Nine months of Bible studies for parents.
38 Session Bible Study

What task is more difficult than parenting? And what could be more important? Why not take 9 months to explore what the Bible has to say about this all-consuming task?

We've assembled a useful mix of studies that looks at raising Christ-centered children, examines how to discipline them, and addresses materialism and sex. We also give you tools to decide what is best for your child's education and to think through divorce, adoption, special needs, and how to deal with parental guilt.


Drawing the Line

6. Drawing the Line
This six-session study helps parents discuss ground rules, expectations, responsibility, and more.
6 Session Bible Study

Parenting raises a lot of questions. We want to raise responsible, respectful, and successful children, but we're not sure how to do that. How can we avoid raising children who feel they can never quite measure up? How does rescuing our children from the consequences of their choices and behaviors undermine discipline? What roles, if any, do negotiation and compromise play in discipline? Should we require our kids to do chores, and how do we do that? How do we prepare them (and ourselves!) for their adolescence? This six-session study will explore these practical, crucial questions.


Women's Bible Study Bundle

7. Women's Bible Study Bundle
Embrace your identity in Christ and live out your calling.
19 Session Bible Study

When life gets busy and we feel overwhelmed, our connection to God is often the first thing we forget to tend. We may try to muscle through our weak times, but we quickly discover it's impossible to succeed this way. The best thing we can do is find our rest and our identity in God. He will provide us with strength, balance, support, and peace. This collection of Bible studies explores each of these gifts from God.


The Myth of the Perfect Parent

8. The Myth of the Perfect Parent
Why faithfulness—not perfection—must be the goal in raising our children.
Single Session Bible Study

The Internet and social media have made it easy for us to peek into hundreds of other people's lives every day. Award-worthy after school snacks and Pinterest-perfect birthday parties can feel like normal expectations for parents and lead us to believe the perfect parent exists. In this Bible study, you'll unpack the myth of the perfect parent and learn what how to have healthy expectations for parenting.


Thriving in the Empty Nest

9. Thriving in the Empty Nest
These studies will help the transition from a full house to an empty nest.
3 Session Bible Study

Graduation day and the start of college may be quickly approaching for the youngest child in your household. When the kids leave home, it is a time of transition. It can be sad, but it doesn't have to be devastating. In fact, it can be a time to grow as a person and find new meaning. You could see it as a time to thrive as never before. This three-session study will help you prepare for this season of your life.


Raising Christ-Centered Children

10. Raising Christ-Centered Children
Gain a Christian perspective on a tough job.
6 Session Bible Study

Parenting is not an easy job. Helping children grow and develop the skills they need to be a balanced adult is a demanding task. Even more daunting is teaching kids to live with a Christian perspective and make God the center of their choices. The good news is, you don't have to try to make this happen on your own. From learning to discipline with love, to facing the teenager years, to staying united with your spouse in the midst of parenting, this Bible study will provide support and insight that will equip you as you help your children walk with God.


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