The Mind Under Grace

Sessions: 1
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Doctrine is not a four-letter word, though you might think so judging by how the larger culture and some evangelicals respond to it. Darren C. Marks says, "The word conjures in the modern mind a string of negative images … Vibrant Christians want little to do with it, and instead focus on spiritual disciplines, works of mercy, and authentic Christian living. Doctrine belongs to the past, when it was used mainly to divide believers."

Is this a fair summary, or have contemporary Christians missed a key building block of a faithful life? And if we have, how do we reinvigorate our theological knowledge while keeping our spiritual hearts warm? How do we nourish both head and heart to the glory of God?

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: Romans 3:21–26; Colssians 1:15–23; 2 Timothy 3:10–17; 2 Peter 1:16–21


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one: Doctrine must illuminate Christ as Lord.

Teaching point two: Proper theology begins not with our desire but with our need.

Teaching point three: Orthodox doctrine and orthodox living go together.

Teaching point four: God's Word and God's Spirit help us to avoid doctrinal error.

• Apply Your Findings

• Additional Resources


• "The Mind Under Grace", by Darren C. Marks (2010)

Total number of pages

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