Women Leaders Bible Study Bundle

Sessions: 13
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Leadership is fulfilling and demanding. Sometimes, you may feel pulled in 20 different directions, and you can't remember the last time you could truly rest. In this bundle, you have the opportunity to focus on caring for your soul, learn how best to use your spiritual gifts, and connect with God so you can help others do the same.

In this special pack, you'll receive four studies that cover a total of 13 sessions:

Use Your Spiritual Gifts (5-session study)
This five-session Bible study on spiritual gifts looks at our predisposed talents and how these change when we give our lives to Jesus Christ. Some spiritual gifts fit our personality, and others challenge us to grow and change. Spiritual gifts provide clues to God's intention for how we should live out our days and affirm the uniqueness of our calling as human instruments of his grace. Included is a personal inventory to help you determine your spiritual gift.

Soul Care for Women Leaders (6-session study)
Dark nights of the soul can be rooted in a variety of spiritual dilemmas. Maybe you are facing burnout from saying "yes" to too many well-intentioned activities, and aren't even seeing much fruit to your labor. Maybe it's a crisis of faith that is made doubly difficult because you're supposed to be a spiritual leader. Or maybe you're just finding it difficult to hear God's voice through all the noise of a busy life. This 6-session Bible study focuses on biblical characters and spiritual disciplines that will restore your weary soul.

Loving Those You Lead (Single session study)
If you are in leadership, you have to learn to love the unlovely. Any leader will eventually encounter someone who challenges them, hurts them, or makes their job difficult. Preparing now for your reaction is a wise pursuit. This Bible study will help you love the people you lead.

Serving in God's Power (Single session study)
Women in leadership are capable people. We have talents and abilities, and are often natural leaders. Yet in order to fulfill what God has planned for our lives, we must submit to his way of doing things. We need to slow down so that we can listen, trust, prepare, and wait for God. Only then will we see the divine fulfillment of the dreams he has placed in our hearts.

Total number of pages - 136

You have permission to make up to 1,000 copies of this resource within your local church.

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