How to Lead a LifeGuide Bible Study

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 10

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Over 100,000 copies of this handbook have been used by Bible study leaders and Sunday school teachers. Jack Kuhatschek and Cindy Bunch (former and current Bible study editors at InterVarsity Press) show you

• how to start a group
• how to decide what to study
• how to prepare to lead
• how to study the Bible
• how to use a study guide
• how to write your own questions
• how to lead the discussion
• how to evaluate the study

Along with practical suggestions and the answers to common questions offered in each brief chapter, you'll find two appendixes: "Guidelines for Interpreting Scripture" and "A Sample Study." The resources section also leads you to more training guides, website references and study guides to use with your group.


This section describes the history of this guidebook, how it has been used by small group leaders and Sunday school teachers, and how it has been updated to match the current LifeGuide series format.

Session One

The Power of a Small Group
This chapter describes how groups can be powerful tools for Christian growth.

Session Two

Choosing a Bible Study Guide
This chapter offers guidance for choosing your first study materialon a book of the Bible, a character or a topicthat fits the needs and interests of your group.

Session Three

Preparing to Lead
This chapter walks you through preparation for leading your group, with prayer and personal Bible study or research.

Session Four

Warming Up the Group
This chapter describes how to get your meeting started, including the arrangement of the room, dealing with late arrivals, getting acquainted, starting discussion, allowing for personal reflection and opening with prayer.

Session Five

Getting Inside the Passage
This chapter offers suggestions for how to help your group connect with Scripturehow to make it "come alive" for them.

Session Six

Uncovering the Meaning
This chapter describes how to work toward understanding Scripture, moving from "What does it say" to "What does it mean?" and finally "What does it mean to me?"

Session Seven

Making It Real
This chapter helps you lead your group to apply what they've learned, allowing Scripture to renew their minds and transform their lives.

Session Eight

Following Up
This chapter describes the benefits of praying with your group and gives suggestions for how to pray.

Session Nine

Leading the Discussion
This chapter offers you more tips for facilitating discussion, using study guide questions, affirming contributions, handling problems and more.

Session Ten

Evaluating the Discussion
This chapter discusses how to evaluate different aspects of the group experience with a series of questions.

Appendix A. Guidelines to Interpreting Scripture

This appendix describes several ways to approach Bible study, including historical context, literary form, whole book and passage-by-passage.

Appendix B. A Sample Study

This appendix offers a sample study including all the elements typical in a LifeGuide Bible Study.

Total number of pages62 pages

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