Parenting Bible Study Bundle

Sessions: 13
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Sale price$ 39.99 Regular price$ 64.99


Parents have the special privilege and calling to guide their children and help them grow into balanced, God-honoring adults. This calling requires constant sacrifice and increasing wisdom. In this bundle, you'll find biblical support for your journey to raise Christ-centered children. You'll also receive encouragement as you learn to manage expectations and grow in your own walk with God.

In this special pack, you'll receive three studies that cover a total of 13 sessions:

Raising Christ-Centered Children (6-session study)
Raising children is a lifelong investment that requires much sacrifice and hard work. From learning to discipline your kids, to teaching them to live counter-cultural lives, you need biblical support and encouragement. In this six-session study, you will learn ways to parent with wisdom and point your children to Christ.

The Myth of the Perfect Parent (Single session study)
The Internet and social media has made it easy for us to peek into hundreds of other people's lives every day. Award worthy after school snacks and Pinterest-perfect birthday parties can feel like normal expectation for parents and lead us to believe the perfect parent exists. In this Bible study, you'll unpack the myth of the perfect parent and learn what how to have healthy expectations for parenting.

Developing the Spiritual Life of Children (6-session study)
Passing our faith onto our children is vital. How can we help them want to know Christ? This six-session course will discuss how to make God real to your children by teaching them how to pray, making church a positive experience, helping children make their faith their own, and using stories to make the Bible come alive.

Total number of pages - 132

You have permission to make up to 1,000 copies of this resource within your local church.

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