Top 5 Thanksgiving Bible Studies

Thanksgiving is a time for reflection that inspires gratitude. Through the joys and trials of life, we find hope in God that makes us thankful. But the path to thankfulness is sometimes complicated. These studies will help you focus your heart and experience the great joy that a life of contentedness, stewardship, and gratitude can bring.


Thanksgiving Day Reflections and Ideas

1. Thanksgiving Day Reflections and Ideas
Make the most of the holiday with these ideas.
Multi Session Bible Study

As you anticipate time with loved ones and a delicious Thanksgiving Day meal, take time to reflect on the holiday and how you can make it meaningful. This Thanksgiving study is full of ideas on how to nurture gratefulness, express gratitude to God, and celebrate a memorable holiday. Discover how to go beyond food and football and glorify God on Thanksgiving Day.


Remember What God Has Done

2. Remember What God Has Done
We must remember the past to move ahead to the future.
Single Session Bible Study

While it's common for our culture to look to the past with either fond nostalgia or distaste, it's important for Christians to recall the past to know who we are — both as humans and as followers of Christ. Why should we rehash what has already happened? Because by doing so, we see evidence of God's love and care for us. This study helps us examine God's work in our lives and inspire gratitude for all he has done for us.


A Life of Giving Thanks

3. A Life of Giving Thanks
Catch a glimpse of a life permeated by a grateful heart that overflows toward others.
4 Session Bible Study

Get a glimpse of what it means to live a life of giving thanks—one permeated by a grateful heart that overflows to others. This 4-session Bible study is ideal for the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, or at any time of the year to remember that we should be living grateful lives for the One who gave his all for us.


Children and Materialism

4. Children and Materialism
Learn to make deliberate choices to grow children of faith and stewardship.
4 Session Bible Study

Raising children to be grateful, content, and good stewards is no easy task. Materialism permeates our everyday life. Ironically, the Thanksgiving season tends to mark the start of the most materialistic time of year. Commercials, magazines, and the Internet blare societal values that are distinctly worldly, not godly. We may even find we have far more possessions than we actually need or use, which can conflict with the message of gratitude we hope to teach our children. This 4-session study brings back basic truths that equip us to teach the values of sacrifice, generosity, and thanksgiving


A Life of Simplicity

5. A Life of Simplicity
Learn what simplicity looks like and why God calls us to simple lives.
4 Session Bible Study

During the Thanksgiving season, we hope to find that we are content with our lives and grateful for all we have. Unfortunately, it doesn't take much to distract us from our gratitude. Ultimately, we know God calls us to live simple lives. This 4-session study will help you learn the way to a simple life that goes deeper than the organizational advice you may receive from popular websites and magazines.

Kristen Cloyd is the Marketing Coordinator for

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