1. Biblical Marriage 101
Use this 13-session marriage course to discuss how to express grace and love to one another.
13 Session Bible Study
This on marriage will be ideal for your Sunday school quarterly curriculum or to use in your small group. It covers such topics as learning to appreciate your spouse, money matters, faith, handling conflict, sex, communication, and compromise. Most of all it will help couples know how to express grace and love to one another.
2. Communication in Marriage
This multi-session study digs deep into communication challenges in marriage, equipping couples to better understand and more deeply love one another.
6 Session Bible Study
Communication problems are as old as Adam and Eve. In this 6-session Bible study, we will explore what the Bible has to say about the obstacles and solutions to communication, how to communicate love to our spouses, how to avoid miscommunication, how to stop hurtful words, the importance of compromise, and finally how grace toward one another is the key to getting along.
3. Finding Joy in the Difficulty of Marriage
This six-session study can help you find joy in a difficult marriage.
6 Session Bible Study
We all enter marriage with great expectations.
Most of us are challenged when the reality hits our imagination. However, for some, the disappointment is acute. Their marriage is not living up to their hopes and can only be described as difficult. If you are one of those persons, this six-session course is for you.
4. Marriage Is a Partnership
Biblical perspectives for couples on money, differences, sex, and more.
6 Session Bible Study
These six sessions help couples grow in their relationship to God. You’ll get practical, biblical perspectives on money, differences, sex, and more.
5. The Truth About Christian Marriage
What makes a Christian marriage unique?
3 Session Bible Study
Marriage is a hot topic today: Who can get married? What's the point of marriage? And is it really supposed to be a lifelong relationship? This 3-session study will help you understand what Christian marriage is all about: why it's more than just living together, what it looks like to have a Christian marriage in a not-so-Christian society, and why you don't have to have everything together before you get married.
6. Strong Foundations for Newlyweds
6 Session Bible Study
If you are newly married, soon-to-be married, or know someone who fits those categories, this course is for you. It covers such topics as having realistic expectations, developing good communication skills, instruction on how to fight fairly, and perspectives on sex, in-laws, and marriage mentors.
7. Sex and the Christian Couple
What’s okay—and what’s not—in a Christian marriage?
Single Session Bible Study
What does the Bible have to say about sex within marriage? Should we feel guilt over some of the things we do? How can we know what sexual activities are okay and what aren’t? Using MARRIAGE PARTNERSHIP’s article "Christian Sex Rules," we’ll examine issues many Christians wonder about but seldom discuss regarding sex within marriage. This study is best used in a men’s or women’s group, or for a couple to read and discuss together.
8. A Marriage Revolution
How can the church recreate a biblical understanding of marriage in a secular society?
Single Session Bible Study
The statistics are enough to make anyone grieve: nearly half of all marriages end in divorce at some point. Increasing numbers of those divorces will be the second and third for individuals. And the most difficult part is that these statistics are true for Christians as well. Christian marriage is misunderstood-even by Christians. What distinguishes Christian marriage from secular marriage? What are the biblical principles that support Christian marriage? How can we restore the sanctity of marriage in our society?

9. Thriving in the Empty Nest
These studies will help the transition from a full house to an empty nest.
3 Session Bible Study
When the kids leave home, it is a time of transition. It can be sad, but it doesn't have to be devastating. In fact, it can be a time to grow as a person and find new meaning. Perhaps it is your time to thrive as never before. This three-session course will help you think through this season of your life.
10. Remarriage & Blended Families
This six-part course helps those with blended families to gain scriptural help for their specific circumstances.
6 Session Bible Study
Few things are more difficult than trying to help a group of diverse people to get along. Throw in the fact that these people have been deeply wounded in a previous relationship, and the challenges increase. That's why we've developed this six-part course to help those with blended families to gain scriptural help for their task. This course can be done individually but will be especially effective done as a group with others who are struggling with the same issues.