Strong Foundations for Newlyweds

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 6

Sale price$ 19.95


If you are newly married, soon-to-be married, or know someone who fits those categories, this six-session course is for you. It covers such topics as having realistic expectations, developing good communication skills, instruction on how to fight fairly, and perspectives on sex, in-laws, and marriage mentors.

Session 1

What Did You Expect?
Learn to have healthy expectations in marriage.
Expectations we bring into marriage carry potential for disaster, and yet denying their existence is not a solution. This study helps to determine which expectations are reasonable and which are not.

Session 2

Good Communication
How can newly married couples develop excellent communication skills?
Becoming active listeners, choosing our words with care, speaking the truth in love, and using our words to build each other up in Christ are all principles of communication that are based in Scripture.

Session 3

How to Fight
Fights can actually be win/win.
God has designed marriage for two people to become one. It's this process that causes differences to surface. The good news is that working through conflicts can actually make a marriage stronger.

Session 4

Godly Sex
Great sex starts with the right mentality.
God designed sex not only as a means for procreation, but also to be pleasurable and deeply satisfying. Unfortunately, many of us have formed our ideas about sex from the culture around us instead of from God's perspective.

Session 5

Healthy In-Law Relationships
We need to begin with clear expectations and communication.
It's been said that when you say "I do" to your spouse at the altar, you're also making a commitment to your spouse's family. But that may be more than you bargained for.

Session 6

Marriage Mentors
How might newlyweds benefit from a mentoring relationship with another couple?
Building a strong friendship with another couple allows natural mentoring where newlyweds gain insight from hearing the stories of their marriage mentors. It also allows newly married couples to have a natural forum to discuss the struggles and joys of marriage.

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