10 Tips to Start Memorizing Scripture

10 Tips to Start Memorizing Scripture

Don’t miss out on this important way to grow spiritually.
10 Tips to Start Memorizing Scripture

10 Tips to Start Memorizing Scripture

Don’t miss out on this important way to grow spiritually.
Creating Space for God

Creating Space for God

There is a desperate need for us to use our time for the specific growth and development of our spiritual lives—the care and nurture of our souls.
Understanding Lust

Understanding Lust

Our desires aren't the problem—it's what we do with them.
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

This oft-repeated question says nothing about God, but everything about human beings.
The Bible Says Drunkenness is a Sin (Galatians 5:21). But is Occasional Social Drinking Okay for Christians?

The Bible Says Drunkenness is a Sin (Galatians 5:21). But is Occasional Social Drinking Okay for Christians?

Although alcohol is by no means a central scriptural issue, the Bible alludes to its use. The problem emerged in Jewish experience after the conque...
The Secret of Walking with God

The Secret of Walking with God

From the beginning, God has wanted a walking partner.
What Will Heaven Be Like?

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Thirty-five frequently asked questions about eternity.
Is It a Sin to Marry a Non-Christian?

Is It a Sin to Marry a Non-Christian?

I think you're asking the wrong question here. The real question should be, "Why would you want to marry a non-Christian?" God's vision for marriag...
The Nicene and Apostles' Creeds

The Nicene and Apostles' Creeds

Many Christians throughout the world recite either the Nicene Creed or the Apostles' Creed regularly in their church services. Following is a short...
The Virtue of Patience

The Virtue of Patience

Waiting without complaining.
What is True Worship?

What is True Worship?

As a child growing up at the Midway Church of Christ (Holiness) U.S.A. in Folsom, LA, under the then leadership of my father and pastor, Bishop Ver...
7 Questions Skeptics Ask

7 Questions Skeptics Ask

How to answer the tough questions.
Five Ways God Answers Prayer

Five Ways God Answers Prayer

Whatever the answer, your best interest is always in mind.

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