Glorify God Together: A Marriage of Purpose

Sessions: 1
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A marriage centered on Christ is specifically focused on glorifying God, according to Rick Warren in his article entitled “The Purpose-Driven Marriage,” written for MARRIAGE PARTNERSHIP. Our main purpose in marriage should be much greater than fulfilling our own wants and needs or even the wants and needs of our spouse. Our main purpose in marriage should be to focus on being of the same mind, according to Jesus, so that with one accord and one voice we glorify God.

In this study, we will ask: Why did God give us the institution of marriage? What is the purpose of marriage? How can our marriage bring glory to God? How can the marriage relationship help make us holy?

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 2:18–25; Acts 2:42–47; Romans 12; Colossians 3:1–19, 4:2–6; 2 Timothy 4:1–5


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one: The marriage relationship teaches us to have authentic and intimate fellowship and a strong sense of community with all believers.

Teaching point two: God uses the marriage relationship to make us more like Christ.

Teaching point three: God uses the marriage relationship to train us to honor and serve others above ourselves.

Teaching point four: Marriage may give us a partner to help spread the gospel of Christ.

• Apply Your Findings

• Additional Resources

ARTICLE FROM Kyria's Marriage Partnership.

The Purpose-Driven Marriage, by Rick Warren (Summer 2004, 15 printed pages)

Total number of pages – 15

You have permission to make up to 1,000 copies of this resource for use in your local church.

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