The Story of Scripture

Embark on a tour of the Bible—a trip you won't quickly forget.
Robbie F. Castleman

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 12

Sale price$ 49.95


When it comes to Bible knowledge, most of us know bits and pieces, favorite stories and characters, but we don't know the story that runs through the whole of Scripture. In these 12 studies moving from Genesis to Revelation, you'll embark on a tour of the biblical drama—a trip you won't quickly forget.


Getting the Most Out of The Story of Scripture
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

The Beginning of the Story: Characters, Setting, Plot
Reflect on God's declaration of creation as "good." How can this influence your attitude concerning creation care and bodily existence?
Genesis 1-2

Session Two

The Story Continues: A Twist in the Storyline
Note how the human couple attempts to place the blame on another in the passage. Who or what do you attempt to blame for your sinful behavior?
Genesis 3

Session Three

The Story Is Our Story: Everyone Has a Part
The New Testament recounts the faith of Abraham displayed in this story as a way of encouraging God's people to trust God's plan of salvation by a radical investment of faith. How is your faith in God's plan of salvation similar to that of Abraham's?
Genesis 12:1-5; 15

Session Four

The Story Continues: A World Premiere
The text notes twice that the bush was aflame and yet not burned up. What do you think this is meant to indicate about the presence of God in this encounter with Moses?
Exodus 2:23-3:17

Session Five

Knowing the Story: Studying the Script
Verses 17-19 summarize the festivities in Jerusalem as the Ark was brought into the city. How do these things indicate what David learned by going back and studying the Scripture concerning the Ark and the worship of Yahweh? How are these things reflected in how you worship with God's people today?
2 Samual 6

Session Six

Knowing the Story: A Remedy for Stage Fright
The last sentence in verse 9 is God's challenge to Ahaz and Judah. Essentially the king and the nation are being challenged to do nothing! When have you been challenged in such an absolute way to trust God to act on your behalf and to do nothing on your own behalf?
Isaiah 7:1-14

Session Seven

The Story Continues: Taking it on the Road
Daniel and his friends refuse to take the royal food and wine. Why do you think the Jewish captives choose this particular thing to "draw the line"? When have you had to make up your mind about an issue, knowing that it is based on a nonnegotiable principle of faith?
Daniel 1

Session Eight

The Story Continues: After the Theater Burns Down
Notice the reason that is given in the text for this first step necessary to rebuild the temple. How does God's valuing the "means" as well as the "ends" encourage your first steps of faithfulness?
Haggai 1-2:19

Session Nine

The Climax of the Story: Author! Author!
The impact of John 1:14 should be startling! It is significant that the words translated "made his dwelling" (NIV) or "lived among us" (NRSV) can alo be translated "tabernacled" or "pitched a tent among us" in the original language. What does this indicate about the kind of relationship God established through the incarnation of the Word of God?
John 1:1-18; 14:8-14

Session Ten

The Story Continues: New Cast, Global Tour
The inclusion of non-Jews in the story of Scripture was intended from the beginning and was included in God's promise to Abraham. How does Peter argue this point to the Jewish Christians? How can Peter's argument help you witness to Christ Jesus amid the complex racial prejudices that mark the world today?
Acts 1:3-11; 11:1-30

Session Eleven

The Story Continues: The Final Curtain Opens
Hebrews 4:15 underscores Jesus' identification with our sinfulness, as well as his sinlessness. How does this make confession of sin both harder and easier?
Hebrews 4:14-16; 9:11-15

Session Twelve

The Never-Ending Story: It's a Cast Party!
Revelation 22:2 notes the presence of the tree of life in the garden of the new Jerusalem. Contrast this idea with Genesis 3:24 when the access to the tree of life was ended. What does the reintroduction of the tree of life indicate in this passage?
1 Corinthians 15:51-58; Revelation 21:22-22:5

Total number of pages96 pages

Robbie F. Castleman (D. Min., University of Dubuque) is associate professor of biblical studies and theology at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. She is the author the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Peter and The Story of Scripture.