The Lord's Prayer

Open your eyes to this great spiritual resource.
Douglas Connelly

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 8

Sale price$ 29.95


These 8 studies will open your eyes to the great spiritual resource you have in this most familiar prayer.


Getting the Most Out of The Lord's Prayer
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

Talking to the Father
Since you are not to pray repetitive ("babbling") prayers, how can you make repeating the Lord's Prayer spiritually enriching?
Matthew 6:5-15

Session Two

Showing Some Respect
If you pray "Hallowed be your name," you are also offering yourself as a channel through which God can show his holy nature to a drifting and at times rebellious culture. What are some ways that we as Christians can honor God's name in our daily lives?
Isaiah 6:1-8

Session Three

Who's Really in Charge?
What aspects of our personal kingdoms are difficult to submit to God's rule and authority?
Matthew 25:31-46

Session Four

Why Pray When You Can Worry?
Jesus instructs us to ask the Father for each day's provison. Why such an emphasis on the immediatewhy not ask for a month of groceries?

Luke 12:22-34

Session Five

Costly Forgiveness
When you ask God to forgive you for a sin or failure in your life, are you confident of his cleansing or do you have doubts?
Matthew 18:21-35

Session Six

Tackling Temptation
Jesus makes it clear that we need God's power to face temptation and to stand against Satan's attacks. What are some practical ways God might answer these requests in your life?
John 17:6-19

Session Seven

The Power and Glory
What does it mean to you personally when you say to God: yours is the kingdom (the right to rule)?
Revelation 4

Session Eight

A Passion for Prayer
Jesus wants us to realize that God is not a gruesome father. Have you ever felt that when you asked God for a fish (something you thought was good and right), he instead gave you a snake (something that ended up being bad and hurtful)?
Luke 11:1-13

Total number of pages62 pages

Douglas Connelly (M.Div. and M.Th., Grace Theological Seminary) is senior pastor at Parkside Community Church in Sterling Heights, Michigan. He has written several books and Bible study guides, including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Angels, Daniel, Elijah, Encountering Jesus, Following Jesus, Forgiveness, Good & Evil, I Am, John, The Lord's Prayer, Meeting the Spirit, Heaven, and Miracles.