The Gospel in Genesis

Sessions: 6
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Our world is broken. This is clear from the pages of the Bible, the wars between nations, and the grief of our own hearts. The book of Genesis reveals an intimate and faithful God, who offers redemption and new life from the moment of sin—in the form of Jesus Christ. This six-session course examines the patterns of sin in Genesis and our lives, but also the redemptive love that awaits us if we accept God's grace. Download this course to learn more about how God has revealed the Gospel message in the Old Testament book of Genesis.

Session One

Our Broken World
Believing a cosmic lie shattered paradise.
Genesis 3:1–24
Our world is broken. It has been twisted too far, and we can't put it back together again. So, how did we get here and is there any hope for us?

Session Two

Where Are You?
This is God's persistent, loving question to lost people.
Genesis 3:8–9
Throughout the Old Testament, God says to his people: Return to me. A new day is coming. Then Jesus comes and says: That new day has come. I am the new way that was promised.

Session Three

We're bad, too, but not beyond the loving reach of God.
Genesis 4:1–24
Almost every story in the Bible—and our own story—boils down to these two things: sin and grace. But it's precisely out of the mess of human sin that God brings the glory of redemption and grace.

Session Four

God's Grieving Heart
Divine judgment is sprinkled with tears of divine pain.
Genesis 6:1–13
Has anyone ever wept with you and for you? The God you find in the Bible is a God who weeps, a God who stands beside your graveyards, a God who surveys your life and your tears.

Session Five

Costly, Messy, Beautiful Obedience
Find favor with God.
Genesis 6:1–9:23
We're suspicious of obedience. It's mindless, scary, and hurtful. Or is it? Genesis 6 tells the story of messy, costly, beautiful obedience from an ordinary man named Noah.

Session Six

God Remembers
Without the redemptive memory of God, we are nothing.
Genesis 8:1; 9:1–17
Every time God remembers, it means he will act for someone according to his covenant promises. When God remembers, it's not just mental activity; it's redemptive activity. Just look at the example of Noah.

This Study Through the Bible Course is based on the sermon series called "The Gospel in Genesis," by Matt Woodley.

Total number of pages55

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