The 23rd Psalm: The Lord, Our Shepherd

Sessions: 9
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Psalm 23 pictures life lived with awareness of God's intimate love for us. By pulling in other texts that give a similar depiction of God, these nine studies help you get to the deep wisdom of this familiar Psalm.


Getting the Most Out of The 23rd Psalm
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

The God Who Shepherds Us
Do you relate to the image of God as a shepherd? What other images come to mind when you reflect on God as the one who provides, cares, protects and guides?
Psalm 23

Session Two

The God Who Invites Us to Rest
The text in Matthew is addressed to people who are weary and burdened. What causes you to feel weary and burdened today?
Matthew 11:25-30

Session Three

The God Who Guides Us
In Psalm 25 the writer repeats to his need for forgiveness and God's forgiving love several times. What thoughts do you have about the relationship between this theme and the theme of seeking God's guidance?
Psalm 25

Session Four

The God Who Is with Us
Both Psalm 34:19 and Psalm 23:4 teach us to expect difficult times, even when we are following God's ways. How does this compare with your expectations?
Psalm 34

Session Five

The God Who Comforts Us
Isaiah 40:11 describes God as a tender shepherd. In what ways is God's tender, loving presence important to you when you need comfort?
Isaiah 40:9-11, 25-31

Session Six

The God Who Feeds Us
Isaiah 55:2 asks why you would spend money on what does not satisfy. How do your enemies tempt you with things that do not satisfy?
Isaiah 55

Session Seven

The God Who Heals Us
How does this image of God as the God who heals compare to your sense of who God is?
Isaiah 61:1-3

Session Eight

The God Who Blesses Us
The expression "my ears have you pierced" refers to being able to hear and understand in a new way. How would you paraphrase the insight that is shared in these verses?
Psalm 40

Session Nine

The God Who Is Our True Home
The psalmist says that God has given him security and a "delightful inheritance." How has this been true for you (physically, emotionally or spiritually)?
Psalm 16

Total number of pages63 pages

Juanita Ryan is a clinical nurse specialist with an M.S.N. in psychiatric mental health nursing. She has taught mental health nursing at Bethel University, Rio Hondo Community College and Biola University. She is currently a therapist in private practice at Brea Family Counseling Center in Brea, California. She is the author or coauthor of more than thirty InterVarsity Press Bible studies.

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