Successful Relationships

As we work on our relationships, we become more and more like Jesus, which is our goal as his followers.

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 5

Sale price$ 24.95 Regular price$ 34.95


All of our life is about relationships. From beginning to end, we spend our lives relating to others. The Godhead is a relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Created in God's image, we are made to be in intimate relationships with others. These relationships can be the most fulfilling or frustrating experiences of our lives. Often, how we feel about our lives is based on how our relationships are going.

In this course, you will get a glimpse into some of the relational lessons of the Bible. As we work on our relationships, we become more and more like Jesus, which is our goal as his followers. Note: This course was developed with Community Christian Church and New Thing Network.

Session One

Experiencing Forgiveness
Grace can help you forgive others even when you don't feel like it.
Matthew 18: 21–35; Luke 23:33–34a; John 1:29, 3:17

This study examines how to do relationships in a God kind of way, specifically offering forgiveness as an extension of the love and grace God has shown us.

Session Two

Extending Acceptance
Getting past the things about someone that bother you so you can love them as Jesus does.
Luke 15:1–7; Romans 15:7; Ephesians 1:4–6

This study examines how acceptance is about turning toward our friends, families, neighbors, coworkers, and classmates when we have internal reason to turn away.

Session Three

Practicing Encouragement
We influence people more than we know when we encourage them.
Ephesians 4:29; 1 Thessalonians 2:7; Hebrews 3:12–14, 10:23–25

This study demonstrates the power of an encouraging word or deed, which can make the difference between someone throwing in the towel or persevering.

Session Four

Managing Conflict
How we manage conflict affects our most important relationships.
Proverbs 10:19, 12:18, 15:1, 17:27; James 1:2–4, 3:2–12, 4:1–3

This Bible study has much to say about how to handle conflict wisely, and how powerful is what we say and don't say in times of conflict.

Session Five

Envisioning Greatness
Help people see what they can become because of the power of God's Spirit.
Jeremiah 29:11; John 14:2–3; 1Corinthians 12:4–11; Philippians 2:14–16, 3:7–9

This study examines what difference your children, coworkers, friends, parents, and siblings can make in the kingdom of God when they use their gifts fully for him.

Total number of pages39