Spiritual Warfare

Sessions: 9
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In this 9-session study, you will examine critical passages of Scripture that address spiritual warfare, exploring how we can resist Satan’s attacks and temptations.

Getting the Most Out of
Spiritual Warfare
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study, and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One
Detecting the Deceiver

We cannot fight an enemy we cannot see. This study examines some of the disguises Satan wears and the deceitful practices he uses.
2 Corinthians 11:1–15

Session Two
Facing Temptation

In this passage, the Devil tempts Jesus to sell his soul for “all the kingdoms of this world and their splendor.” This account reveals three key ways the devil tempts us and how we can resist those temptations.
Matthew 5:1–11

Session Three
The Serpent’s Strategy

Genesis 3 allows us to study Satan at his finest hour, when through one temptation the whole of humanity fell into destruction and death. The account reveals many of the techniques Satan is still using today.
Genesis 3:1–6

Session Four
The Armor of God

In Ephesians 6, Paul introduces us to each piece of Roman armor and its spiritual counterpart. If we protect ourselves with the divine armor God provides, then we will have nothing to fear when the Evil One attacks.
Ephesians 6:10–20

Session Five
The War Within

This study explores how spiritual warfare is related to conflict and fighting among Christians. James 4 examines why dissension like this occurs and how we can approach these issues with greater spiritual understanding.
James 4:1–10

Session Six
Defeating the Destroyer

In Mark 5:1–20, Jesus confronts a demon-possessed man whose life has become a living nightmare. This study looks at Christ’s power to defeat the Destroyer.
Mark 5:1–20

Session Seven
Overcoming Our Accuser

The Devil pursues Christians with demonic fervor, determined to destroy our walk with God. In Revelation 12, we discover how we can overcome the slander and accusations of the devil.
Revelation 12:7–12

Session Eight
Surviving Satan’s Attacks

In one day, Job lost everything he owned and almost everything he held dear. Job’s suffering was extreme, but many face devastation and loss in our broken and fallen world. This study examines how Job’s story can speak to our own endurance during experiences of devastation and destruction.
Job 1–2

Session Nine
Standing Firm

In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul describes a time of demonic deception that is unparalleled in human history. Although he doesn’t reveal the identity of the Antichrist, Paul does tell us how we can stand firm against Satan’s schemes.
2 Thessalonians 2:1–17

Total number of pages: 68

John Kuhatschek was formerly executive vice president and publisher for Baker Publishing Group. He is the author of many Bible study guides and books, including Applying the Bible and The Superman Syndrome

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