Song of Songs: Love in the City

Sessions: 4
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With so many messages coming at us from society, we have questions about sex before marriage, sex in marriage, dating, courtship, homosexuality, pornography, and loneliness. God tells us what true love should look like in this over-sexed, love-starved, dysfunctional culture. God made romantic love and sex to help reveal our great need for intimacy, and thus our great need for him. This four-session study will expose the false view of love and replace it with a genuine God-inspired view that includes pleasure, releases our beauty and potential, and points us toward marriage.

Session One

A Sacred Romance
What's God got to do with it?
Song of Songs 1:1–2:2

Explore the false view of love that we often embrace and replace it with a genuine God-inspired view.

Session Two

Doing It God's Way
The beauty of sex done right.
Song of Songs 4

Can God tell us what love is? Can he show us what it looks like in this over-sexed, love-starved, dysfunctional culture?

Session Three

A Holy Longing
When love hurts.
Song of Songs 3:1–5

Why did God create us with a desire for love if it so often leads to heartache? The Song of Songs is an honest book; it includes themes of loneliness, fear, and disappointment.

Session Four

God's Great Idea
Marriage, as God designed it, is wonderful.
Song of Songs 8:5–7

This study will examine why marriage as God designed it is such a great idea.

This Study Through the Bible Course is based on a Series Builder by Bryan Wilkerson.

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