Seeking God Together

Sessions: 1
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The music fades and everyone leans forward to hear this beautiful couple's words of promise to each other. Standing before God, family members, and friends, they declare their love and commitment. After the wedding, the marriage begins. Many factors determine whether a marriage will be a strong one. The wise couple will not leave God at the altar but will invite him into their lives. God watches and waits, eager to respond to hearts that call to him. Marriage is a great time to seek God together.

Table of Contents

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 6:25–33; 18:19–20; John 3:1–18; Romans 6:23; 1 Corinthians 13:1–13; Hebrews 9:27–28; 1 John 5:12


• Identify the Current Issue

• Discover the Eternal Principles

Teaching point one: Couples can seek God for salvation.

Teaching point two: Couples can seek God in prayer.

Teaching point three: Couples can seek God for love.

Teaching point four: Couples can individually seek God in worship.

• Apply Your Findings

• Additional Resources


The Soul Cure, by Steve and Valerie Bell (Winter 2002, 4 printed pages)

Total number of pages11

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