Revelation: The Triumph of God

Sessions: 14
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In this 14-session study, you will examine the entire Book of Revelation, looking closely at John’s apocalyptic vision and considering how it speaks to our faith and life as we await the Advent of our Lord.

Getting the Most Out of Revelation: The Triumph of God
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study, and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One
An Illustrated Letter from Jesus
From his exile on the island of Patmos, John writes a letter filled with images that would awaken hope and confidence in God in tough situations. He gives his readers a vision of a personal visit, not of his own coming (which is not possible) but the coming Lord Jesus—the greatest hope of all.
Revelation 1

Session Two
Pardon My Speaking the Truth
Chapters two and three of Revelation are like a cover letter (with seven personalized messages) to accompany John’s visions which begin in chapter four. In this session, we begin to study these personalized letters.
Revelation 2

Session Three
My Dear Compromised People
This session continues an examination of the letters to the churches, looking specifically at the letters to the churches in Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.
Revelation 3

Session Four
Worship the All-Powerful Lamb
This section of Revelation details ceaseless, heavenly worship of God and the Lamb. Worship is the deepest need of the seven churches described in the previous chapters—and it is our deepest need too.
Revelation 4–5

Session Five
The Beautiful Wrath of God
Judgment is not something we normally long for. But if we are suffering unjustly in an evil social system, God’s judgment—far from being a dreaded prospect—is our only hope. The scenes and events described in Revelation 6—18 inspire trust in a God who is faithful and just.
Revelation 6

Session Six
Living Faithfully Through the Holocaust
Most of the Christians John pictures for us in this section are martyrs. They are dead to the threats of this life but gloriously alive to God. Their experience reminds us that the call to discipleship is a call to radical obedience.
Revelation 7 and 16

Session Seven
Cheer Up! The Worst Is Yet to Come
In Revelation 8—9, we see that John is convinced that the church is the new Israel, that the final redemption by Christ was the new exodus (15:2–3), and that Rome was the new Egypt (11:8). So John crafts his message about the coming final judgment/deliverance around the model of the plagues of Egypt. The worst is yet to come, but the best is also yet to come.
Revelation 8—9

Session Eight
The Last Word on Witness
John explores the crucial ministry of God’s witnesses who cannot help but speak of what they have seen and heard. John does not expect all Christians to be martyrs but all are witnesses whether faithful or not.
Revelation 10—11

Session Nine
Conflict with the Accuser
Revelation 12—13 demonstrates that the church must always deal with radical evil. In these visions John unmasks the powers of darkness at work in everyday life and at the end of history.
Revelation 12—13

Session Ten
Doing Mission in Hard Times
John shows us that mission starts in God’s heaven and is laced with worship. For mission and worship are not two competing activities but simply two facets of giving glory to God among the nations—and both are part of the life of every believer. In this study we will see how those who lay down their lives for Jesus are engaged in the most fruitful activity on earth.
Revelation 14—15

Session Eleven
Tearing Down Strongholds
John wants to communicate the wonderful hope that God will completely overthrow evil and liberate God’s family and God’s creation. To do this he uses a double metaphor: the prostitute and the city of Babylon.
Revelation 17—18

Session Twelve
Are You Going to the Wedding
John uses the metaphor of a wedding to describe the consummation of the deepest longing of the human soul: Christ’s coming to receive us. Our present engagement (betrothal) to Christ will be followed by the wedding service and a joyous feast.
Revelation 19

Session Thirteen
The Last Battle
The previous study explored our inexpressible hope to be reunited with our Lord. This chapter enlarges our appreciation of God’s master plan: his settled decision to be with us forever and to establish his glorious rule over everything.
Revelation 20

Session Fourteen
God Dwelling with His People
John’s vision of God dwelling with his people is the consummation of faith. Creation is renewed. Evil is finally excluded. The face of God is seen.
Revelation 21—22

Total number of pages: 101

R. Paul Stevens is professor emeritus of marketplace theology and leadership at Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia, and a marketplace ministry mentor.

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