Revelation: Looking Forward to Heaven

Sessions: 5
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Believers must understand that this earth is not their home. We were created for the new heaven and new earth that God has in store. Heaven will not be an interminable church service; rather, heaven will be a place of endless life and excitement. This study will help clear our misconceptions about heaven, because we must understand the great hope we have in order to live rightly on earth. It will also help you understand the effect of the centrality of God's throne on the setting of heaven. Finally, this course warns those who do not believe in Christ—and encourages those who do—about the Lord's impending return, when we will face eternal life or eternal death.

Session One

God Will Make Everything New
God will renew the earth at the end of time, creating heaven on this planet and establishing a permanent place of dwelling for and with his people.
Revelation 21:1–8

Session Two

The Bridal City Will Be Beyond Imagination
Our eternal home is a city like no other—a holy city radiant with the glory and power of God.
Revelation 21:9–21

Session Three

God's Presence Will Be Our Light
Nothing could be better than living in God's presence and light and with his people.
Revelation 21:22–27

Session Four

Heaven Will Be a Garden of Life
The throne of God and the Lamb make heaven the garden of life and perfect place of service it is.
Revelation 22:1–5

Session Five

Jesus Promised Us He Would Come Soon
The last recorded words of Jesus, "I am coming soon!" are both a solemn warning and a soul-sustaining promise.
Revelation 22:6–21

This Study Through the Bible Course is based on a sermon series called "Heaven: Nothing Could Be Better," by Lee Eclov.

Total number of pages—40

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