Philippians: Finding Joy

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 4

Sale price$ 24.99 Regular price$ 29.99


We live in a world that constantly offers ways for us to achieve happiness by improving our circumstances. Unfortunately, such happiness is always fleeting. In contrast, the apostle Paul retained his joy in the midst of difficult circumstances, because he understood that true joy comes from gospel-first relationships, goals, desires, and conduct. This four-session course emphasizes that joy comes from pursuing God wholeheartedly, giving ourselves away, and learning to dwell on the good.

Session One

Put the Gospel First
This is the secret to the apostle Paul's unshakeable joy.
Philippians 1

We live in a world that constantly offers ways for us to achieve happiness by improving our circumstances. Unfortunately, such happiness is always fleeting. This study will highlight four principles that will help us retain our joy.

Session Two

Give Yourself Away
Three important benefits of self-emptying love.
Philippians 2

We should look to the example of Christ so that others may experience God's love and be saved. This study shows us how practicing self-emptying love for others brings true joy.

Session Three

Pursue God Aggressively
How to supercharge your passion for knowing God.
Philippians 3

Many Christians wallow daily in a lukewarm relationship with God. Deep down they realize that something is missing, but they have chosen to fill that emptiness through worldly pursuits.

Session Four

Dwell on the Good
Happiness is not dependent on believing in yourself.
Philippians 4

This study will expose the faults of worldly paths to happiness and cover four aspects of the Christian path to joy. Stop pursuing happiness like an American and start pursuing it like a Christian.

This Study Through the Bible Course is based on a Series Builder by Greg Lafferty.

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