One-Year Track of Bible Studies for New Believers

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 54

Sale price$ 99.95 Regular price$ 129.95



A new believer can work through this track on their own, or preferably, with a more mature Christian guiding them throughout. It can be used as a one-on-one discipleship tool, or as a way to guide a whole group of new believers. It is also basic enough that it could be used as an evangelistic tool for those who are truly interested in investigating Christianity.

So, if you are a new believer, or you know a new believer, or you know someone who is seriously interested in investigating the Christian faith, the following track of Bible studies will provide a strong basis and overview of faith over the course of a year. We've mapped it to run from fall to fall. You can follow the order we've recommended, or rearrange it according to the time of year that you begin.

And because it would be costly to order them individually, we've discounted them as a package by 55%.

Crash Course on the Bible

This 6-session Bible study, starts at the beginning and gives an overview that everyone who is going to become a student of the Bible needs to understand. Why do we need both an Old and New Testament? Who are the main characters in the Bible and what significance do they have? Can anybody who isn't a Bible scholar really understand this complex book? The good news is we can. Use this course to help unlock the Bible.

Lee Strobel on Jesus Christ

Lee Strobel has written and taught persuasively about Christ in his books A Case for Christ and A Case for Faith. A skeptic originally, Strobel writes convincingly to help those who have doubts move to faith in Christ. In this 3-session course, he teaches us the basics of what we need to know about Jesus Christ.

Advent: A Savior for All People

The new believer is going to understand Christmas for the first time. Use this 4-session study to help focus on Christ this Christmas. We learn from Zechariah and Elizabeth how to prepare our hearts to receive all that God has for us. Mary teaches us about the true meaning of Christmas. We learn how to prioritize our Christmas from the shepherds. And Simeon and Anna teach us how to respond to the best gift of all time.

The Nativity Story Movie Discussion Guide

Take a break in the middle of this discipleship journey to watch The Nativity Storymovie. The film offers contrasting pictures of those who trust in God and those who don't, presents various images of the journey of faith, and reveals God's faithfulness in keeping his promises to his people. This discussion guide will help you connect with the Nativity story by reflecting on the miraculous events of God's incarnation and the powerful models of faith for us today.

Bill Hybels on the God You Are Seeking

Bill Hybels, founding and senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church and an evangelist at heart, is known for his relevant and insightful Bible-based teaching. In this 5-session course, Hybels reveals essential truths about seemingly simple attributes of God. This course will help you understand that God protects, listens, understands, and saves.

Gospel of John: Knowing Jesus

This basic 10-session study on the Gospel of John identifies the seven names and titles of Jesus that reveal him as the eternal God, who came to transform us. This study demonstrates how Jesus continually looked beyond the superficial to the real issue. He is our Good Shepherd, Messiah, King and the Vine, who gives us life. He is our Bridegroom who wants us to share in his glory and he paid for our sins, conquered death, and gave us the privilege of continuing his mission to the world.

The Gospel of John Movie Discussion Guide

Time for another movie! The Gospel of John is a word-for-word adaptation of the fourth gospel from the Good News translation. The movie represents an eyewitness account of the life, ministry, teaching, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as told by his beloved disciple John. This study guide will help you discuss the major themes portrayed in the movie: What did Jesus teach? How did he interact with other people? What did he command people to do? What was Jesus like as a person? How was he glorified by God?

Matthew: The Passion Week

This 6-session study looks at the last week of Jesus' life—the Passion, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection—recorded at the end of the Gospel of Matthew. The events in chapter 26 all take place on Saturday through Thursday. Chapter 27 takes place on what we call Good Friday. Chapter 28 chronicles Easter Sunday, the day of the Resurrection. This study will investigate the deity, majesty, and royalty of Jesus. It demonstrates that he is more than a man or a good teacher—he is able to conquer death and is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The Passion of the Christ Movie Discussion Guide

Without the resurrection, our faith would be in vain. Yet before Christ experienced the victory over death that gives us new, eternal life, he experienced the brutality of crucifixion. The days of his arrest, trial, death by crucifixion, and triumphant resurrection are depicted in this movie, directed by Mel Gibson. Use this discussion guide to look more deeply at the themes of this movie. With which characters do you most identify, and what can you learn about your faith by exploring that? Who was Jesus, and why does his identity matter? What roles do fear and power play in this story, and what does it mean to carry a cross?

The Truth About God: Ten Commandments

The major function of the Ten Commandments is to reveal who God is. Who someone is can best be understood by knowing what matters most to him. Obeying these commands from God, or not, is always a matter of response to who he is more than a matter of morality. In this course, we will approach the Ten Commandments as autobiographical, self-revelatory messages from God about who he really is, and how he wants our lives to change by knowing him.

1 Corinthians: Basic Christian Living

When Paul wrote to the Corinthians, he knew they needed to be instructed in the basics. This 7-session study reminds us why we go to church, how to use our bodies to honor God, how to find unity in diversity, how to love, serve, and worship together, and how to face death.

Total number of studies11

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