One-Year Bible Study Track for Men

A year's worth of Bible studies especially for men

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 56

Sale price$ 99.95 Regular price$ 129.95



One of the most tedious parts of leading a Bible study is deciding on and ordering all of the materials. We've taken the pain out of that by putting together a one-year curriculum for men. If you lead a men's group, these studies will give you variety, depth, and interest. Or if you teach a Sunday school class, this will give you enough material for the year. Or maybe you just want to work through a year's worth of studies on your own or with a friend. If any of those are true, this is for you.

We've assembled a nice mix of studies that includes topics such as looking at courageous men of the Bible, handling sexual temptations, and discovering how to live with integrity. We also included great teachers, such as John Ortberg. Plus, we've thrown in some movie discussion guides that will add variety and keep things fun.

In this packet, we've included 56 sessions, so you are covered for more than a year! And because it would be costly to order the studies individually, we've discounted them as a package by more than 50%.

Courageous Men of the Bible

In our desire to be men of integrity, we need to consider the journey of faith we are on, which will require that we be recklessly obedient to God. He wants to redeem our weaknesses, make our lives a blessing to others, and teach us to be strong, yet vulnerable. Christ will transform you by turning temptation into obedience and enable you to leave a lasting legacy of spiritual fortitude. Finally, he will teach you to dream big, resolve your doubts, and overcome your failures. (12 sessions)

12 Angry Men Movie Discussion Guide

This study guide highlights the film's spiritually significant themes: the strength that can be found in integrity and honest inquiry and reminds us to look for the truth no matter what the anger and opposition of others may dictate. It shows us characters who become transformed in the course of the movie, as well as the wisdom that can be learned from sparring with error and seeking the truth. (1 session)

2 Corinthians: Hard Knocks, Unbreakable Faith

Second Corinthians speaks about the harsh realities of life and the unbreakable faith that sustains us through difficult and dangerous times. Paul catalogues some of the difficulties he has encountered during his ministry: prison, floggings, stoning, shipwreck, and being robbed, starved, and abandoned. Paul is qualified to speak on the subject of hardship. As if all that were not bad enough, some of Paul's critics in Corinth were kicking him while he was down by suggesting that he lacked the credentials to be an apostle and that all the bad things that had happened to him were confirmation of God's judgment. In response to all that, Paul wrote this letter, both to establish his credibility as an apostle and to teach the Corinthians a proper perspective on hardship and suffering—a perspective we very much need today. (4 sessions)

The Alamo Movie Discussion Guide

Use this discussion guide to explore the themes of this movie. What does the film say about the cost of following our convictions? Is fighting ever an acceptable means to an end? How can we be prepared for our enemy's advances? And how can we work through conflict to unite for the common good? (1 session)

Men of Integrity

These studies challenge and encourage men to live a life of integrity while serving God and their family, and reaching out to others. They cover topics about how God and his Word are 100% trustworthy, a challenge to reconsider money, a look at caring commitment, how to live out your faith at work, how to slow down, and how to avoid the sensuality snare. (6 sessions)

Batman Begins Movie Discussion Guide

Batman Begins has been hailed as the high-water mark for films about superheroes. Everything clicks in this film: the special effects are astounding, the characters are intriguing, the relationships are dynamic, the plot is plausible, the story is epic. A bit too frightening for children, the film rewards adult fans by establishing without a doubt that superheroes are a contemporary mythology that thus fulfills the task of all mythologies: to define reality, to outline ethics, and to inspire nobility. This study looks at the movie's themes of justice, courage, and following our calling. (1 session)

John Ortberg on Understanding God

John Ortberg, pastor and author of numerous books including The Life You've Always Wanted and If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat, helps us to understand God better in this study. Ortberg challenges us to partner with God in our spiritual growth by responding to the tests he sends, waiting on him patiently, and standing boldly for him. (5 sessions)

A Father's Legacy

Giving blessings to our children is one of the most crucial actions a father can do to let his children hear and feel his unconditional love, which mirrors the love of our heavenly Father. This love-no-matter-what is a legacy of solid emotional growth for a man's children. What does it mean to "bless" our children? How do we go about giving children the type of blessings they need from their fathers? This study provides a foundation for understanding the power of blessings and outlines practical steps fathers can take. (1 session)

Bourne Identity Movie Discussion Guide

Bold adventures of the lone hero are a story form as old as Gilgamesh. The hero must discover meaning, purpose, love, and fellowship, often against immeasurable odds. Doug Liman's The Bourne Identity updates this tale for the 21st century, following the voyage of discovery for one man and showing his encounters with charity and sacrifice in unexpected places. Bourne clings to faint hope and solace in a cold, decadent world. (1 session)

Strong Men of the Bible

Whether an "everyman" like Jacob or a man of supernatural strength like Samson, the Bible tells the story of many men used especially by God. The other men this study looks at are Jeremiah, Matthew, Philip, and Timothy. This study uses biblical stories to teach you about themes like obedience, equality, humility, fear, suffering, and more. (6 sessions)

Confronting Sexual Addiction

Sex sells. At $57 billion per year, pornography generates more revenue in America than the combined income generated by pro football, baseball, and basketball, according to But this is not an excuse. We must recognize that lust isolates, explores multiple lives, and fosters shame. This study affirms that sexuality comes under God's kingdom rule. This is a call for greater resolve among followers of Christ to shed light on the problem, stop feeding it, and to be honest about where it will take us. Finally, it points us back to the Cross to remind us how much God loves us, even in our failures. (3 sessions)

Cinderella Man Movie Discussion Guide

Cinderella Man is the story of James J. Braddock's boxing career, which inspired the nation during America's Great Depression. It depicts his early success in the ring, his perseverance and dedication to his family during the crises of his life, and his return to victory. This study will focus on three aspects of Jim Braddock's journey: what constitutes a successful life even when circumstances are difficult, the qualities of the heroes we look up to, and the second chances we are given. (1 session)

Passionate Pursuit

God wants men to passionately pursue him. In this study that looks at the lives of Gideon, David, Elijah, John the Baptist, Stephen, and Paul, you will find examples of men who did this faithfully. Their examples will inspire you to obediently and faithfully lead those around you, while acknowledging and dealing with your own weaknesses. (6 sessions)

Joshua: The Journey of a Faith Walker

After wandering for 40 years in the desert, Joshua had reason to be apprehensive about entering the Promised Land. But God commanded him to be strong and courageous, and the Book of Joshua shares the powerful story of how God fulfilled his promises and led the Israelites into the long-awaited land of milk and honey. This study shares lessons from Joshua on how to live a life of extraordinary faith. (8 sessions)

Total number of studies14