Nehemiah: Combining Faith with Action

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 5

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When Nehemiah found out the devastating news that his Jerusalem home was burned and crumbling, he immediately began to fast and pray. And what a prayer! He knew who he was putting his confidence in as he spent time praising God for being great and awesome. This five-session study looks at how Nehemiah and the nation of Israel prayed, worked, battled injustice, and worshiped a great and mighty God.

Session One

Pray as a Way of Life
Nehemiah demonstrated how to have a life of prayer.
Nehemiah 1:1–2:8
When Nehemiah heard the devastating news that his Jerusalem home was burned and crumbling, he immediately began to fast and pray. This study will look at how we can adopt a prayer life like Nehemiah's.

Session Two

Work Diligently
Learn how to tackle a difficult task.
Nehemiah 2:11–18; 4; 6:15–16
Nehemiah needed workers who would be wholeheartedly committed to the task of rebuilding Jerusalem. In spite of the ridicule, they kept at it. We need the same kind of enthusiasm as we labor for God's kingdom.

Session Three

Correct Injustice
Do what is in your power to do.
Nehemiah 5
How can you work to restore justice? Like Nehemiah, start where you see a need. Whatever you do, the goal is to show God's love to people who desperately need it. This study will help you realize what is in your power.

Session Four

Worship with All Your Heart
The Book of Nehemiah demonstrates how to worship God as we should.
Nehemiah 8:1–9:38; 10:30–39
The Israelites broke out in both confession and praise when Ezra read the Book of the Law. We can learn what it means to worship with our whole being by looking at how Israel responded to the reading of God's Word.

Session Five

Praise God for His Goodness
We need to give God the praise he deserves.
Nehemiah 12:27–43
When the Israelites were finally allowed to return, they had numerous problems. But when they knew how to celebrate when restoration was completed. We can learn how to worship God from their example.

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