Money & Work

Biblical wisdom on wealth, work, and generosity
Carolyn Nystrom

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 10

Sale price$ 39.95


The Bible is not a textbook on economics, but it does offer much personal guidance on how to navigate both riches and poverty, employment and beggary. As we might expect, principles, values, motives, and faith rank far higher in these biblical accounts than any formula for financial success. Above all we encounter the character of Almighty God, who "gives us richly all things to enjoy" and expects us to be equally generous in his name.


Getting the Most Out of Money & Work
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

What Is My Time Worth?
Are you more likely to be generous or protective of your time? What makes time well spent or time badly spent?
Ecclesiastes 3:1–14; 12:1–14

Session Two

Use or Lose?
What talents have God entrusted to you? And how well are you using them?
Matthew 25:14–30

Session Three

Why Work?
Do you tend to over- or undervalue work?
2 Thessalonians 3:6–15

Session Four

How trustworthy are you? What are you like when no one's watching?
Luke 16:1–15

Session Five

What's Tempting About Power
Jesus had much to say about the use and abuse of power. What makes it so tempting?
Matthew 20:1–28

Session Six

How Much Is Enough
How much income, social security, and retirement is enough? How long should we work? How much should we accumulate?
Ecclesiastes 5:8–20

Session Seven

Does My Property Own Me?
Jesus uses a parable about crops and barns to illustrate an important truth about possessions.
Luke 12:13–34

Session Eight

How Much Is Too Much?
Paul writes in 1 Timothy 6:10 that "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."
1 Timothy 6:3–10; 17–20

Session Nine

Why Give?
What prompts you to give to the church? What's the point of tithing?
1 Chronicles 29:1–20

Session Ten

What If I Lose It All?
What does Job's story hold for readers today?
Job 1:1–22; 19:17–27

Leader's Notes
This section includes information on preparing and leading studies, components of small groups, selected discussion questions, and background notes and suggestions for each study.

Total number of pages66 pages

Carolyn Nystrom is a freelance writer based in the western Chicago suburbs. She has written more than seventy-five books and Bible study guides, including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Abiding in Christ (with J. I. Packer), Christian Leadership(with John Stott), Integrity, Friendship, New Testament Characters, and 1 & 2 Peter and Jude..