In ten sessions, you will see that the Holy Spirit is eager to work in your life to draw you closer to God.
Getting the Most Out of Meeting the Spirit
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.
Session One
Meet the Holy Spirit!
In what ways is it to the disciples' advantage that Jesus would go away and the Spirit of God would come? Of the different ministries of the Holy Spirit described in this passage, which one do you need most in your life right now and why?
John 16:5-15
Session Two
The Spirit Invades
When God is about to do something new, he has a powerful way of announcing it. When he was prepared to push a few reluctant disciples along on the path of world evangelization, he sent the Holy Spirit. Have you ever been in a worship service or prayer group and sensed the Spirit moving in a powerful way? Describe that experience.
Acts 2
Session Three
The Spirit Speaks
The Spirit of God speaks with the highest authority—the authority of God himself. Since Paul and the other apostles are no longer here to speak to us directly, where can we find these "words taught by the Spirit"?
1 Corinthians 2
Session Four
The Spirit Renews
Jesus talks about two births—the first a birth of the flesh, the second a birth of the spirit. Describe each birth in your own words. What role does the Holy Spirit play in the new birth?
John 3:1-8
Session Five
The Spirit Empowers
If you had to choose between being Stephen or one of those who stoned him, which would you choose and why?
Acts 6:1-15; 7:54-60
Session Six
The Spirit Guides
Positive direction from the Spirit came by means of a vision to Paul. What principles can you draw from Paul's experience that will help you know when the Spirit is directing you?
Acts 16:1-15
Session Seven
The Spirit Liberates
The Spirit of God liberates the human spirit from bondage to the old masters of sin and death. If we are no longer under obligation to these old masters, why do we choose so often to submit again to their authority?
Romans 8:1-27
Session Eight
The Spirit Equips
Paul lists several spiritual gifts in verses 8-10. Briefly describe each one and give an example of how you have seen that gift demonstrated.
1 Corinthians 12
Session Nine
The Spirit Transforms
As Christians, we have been set free in Christ. According to these verses, what are some limitations of that freedom? When do you personally sense the struggle between your sinful nature and the Spirit most strongly?
Galatians 5:13-26
Session Ten
The Spirit Influences
What is the difference between being controlled by a human spiritual leader and being controlled by the Holy Spirit?
Ephesians 5:15-21
Total number of pages—64 pages
Douglas Connelly is senior pastor of Parkside Community Church in Michigan. He is the author of the books The Bible for Blockheads and The Book of Revelation for Blockheads (both Zondervan) as well as the LifeGuide® Bible Studies John, Encountering Jesus, Miracles and Heaven.