Joshua: The Journey of a Faith Walker

Sessions: 8
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After wandering for 40 years in the desert, Joshua had reason to be apprehensive about entering the Promised Land. But God commanded him to be strong and courageous, and the Book of Joshua shares the powerful story of how God fulfilled his promises and led the Israelites into the long-awaited land of milk and honey. This eight-session course shares lessons from Joshua on how to live a life of extraordinary faith.

Session One

Move Forward in Faith
God has power in your circumstances.
Joshua 1
This study will challenge you to put your faith into action, to live in the present rather than the past, and to recognize God and his power in your circumstances.

Session Two

How Flawed Rahab Saved a Nation
God delights in using the weak to accomplish his purposes.
Joshua 2
God used Rahab, a prostitute, to help the Israelites conquer Canaan. This study demonstrates that God delights in using the weak to accomplish his purposes.

Session Three

Crossing Jordan
God honors radical, risk-taking faith.
Joshua 3
The Jordan River stood in the way of the Promised Land, but God had a plan to get the Israelites across it. This study encourages us to wait on God, consecrate ourselves to him, and step out in faith.

Session Four

The Mark of Distinctiveness
God calls his people to holiness.
Joshua 5:1–9
The Hebrews followed rituals that set them apart from other nations. This study teaches that a holy person is not an odd person, but a distinct person, who reflects God to others.

Session Five

When God Thwarts Your Plans
Interruptions remind us that God is in control.
Joshua 5:13–6:5
This study will help you learn what Joshua was learning, what all faith walkers eventually learn: that when we say yes to God, he has the right to interrupt our lives.

Session Six

Sin Will Find Us Out
Covering up sin leads to severe consequences.
Joshua 7
Because of one man's hidden sin, the Israelites were defeated in battle. In this session we will see that all humans are sinners, but our sin does not have to be fatal. Through Christ's work on the cross and our confession, we can find forgiveness.

Session Seven

Winning Life's Battles
Battles are inevitable; therefore, believers must be ready for the fight.
Joshua 8:1–28
This study examines how God delivered the city of Ai into the hands of the Israelites. When we prepare ourselves for life's battles, God turns our tragedy into triumph, defeat into victory, and calamity into conquest.

Session Eight

Finding God in Miraculous Events
Understanding miraculous events in light of contemporary ideas on miracles
Joshua 10:1–15
God literally made the sun stand still so the Israelites could defeat the Amorites. This study examines the role of miracles in history and today.

This Study Through the Bible Course is based on a sermon series by Rick Ezell.

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