John's Letters: Discovering Genuine Christianity

Sessions: 12
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In twelve studies you will discover the essence of the Christian faith that underscores 1, 2 and 3 John.


Getting the Most Out of John's Letters
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

Fellowship & Forgiveness
John describes the basis for fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, the apostles and Christians in general. What barriers have you experienced to fellowship with others and with God?
1 John 1

Session Two

Talking & Walking the Truth
When people say one thing yet do another, which do you think usually reveals the truth about them? Why? John emphasizes that your claim to know Christ must be backed by your conduct.
1 John 2:1–11

Session Three

Encouragement & Warning
The three worldly desires of verse 16 point to the problem of the enemy within. How does this emphasis help you to understand the true nature of worldliness?
1 John 2:12–17

Session Four

How Important Is Theology?
What characteristics of false teachers and their teaching is John exposing in these verses? Are there any factors that could make this kind of teaching appealing to you?
1 John 2:18–27

Session Five

Like Father, Like Son
In these verses John is demonstrating that those who are born of a righteous God will live a righteous life. What do you need to change in your life to better reflect that you truly are born of God?
1 John 2:28–3:10

Session Six

Blessed Assurance
Have you ever questioned whether you were a member of God's family? John demonstrates that the result of genuine love for one another is assurance and confidence before God.
1 John 3:11–24

Session Seven

Discernment & Devotion
What test does John use to determine whether teaching is from "the Spirit of God" or the "spirit of the antichrist"? Have you ever been confronted with a modern-day representative of "the spirit of the antichrist"?
1 John 4:1–12

Session Eight

Fear's Remedy
In what ways do you feel burdened by fear? How can the principle "perfect love drives out fear" help you overcome your fear?
1 John 4:13–21

Session Nine

Faith Is the Victory
John claims that obedience to God's commandments is not burdensome for Christians. How then can you explain the struggle you sometimes have to obey?
1 John 5:1–12

Session Ten

What We Know as Christians
When do you feel uncertain of your salvation? As John brings his letter to a close, he again focuses on a number of truths that you can "know" with certainty.
1 John 5:13–21

Session Eleven

Truth & Love
In the brief introductory address and greeting, notice how many times truth and love are mentioned together. What does it mean to love someone "in the truth"?
2 John

Session Twelve

Opening Our Hearts & Homes
In contrast to Diotrephes, Demetrius was "well spoken of by everyone." If those who know you best were asked about your love and hospitality, what might they say?
3 John

Total number of pages 65 pages

Ron Blankley is pastor of Bethel Evangelical Free Church in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. He is also on the faculty at New York School of the Bible in New York City. He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary.

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