James: Living the Christian Life 24/7

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 6

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What does a real relationship with Jesus look like day-in and day-out? The Book of James is all about what it means to follow Christ 24/7. It explores spiritual maturity, and how to grow up in the faith. Every verse is easy to understand but not at all easy to implement. This book teaches us about real faith by giving us God's Word on some of the most daily realities of following Jesus, including suffering, temptation, obedience, social justice and compassion, speech, and prayer. Note: This course was developed with Community Christian Church and New Thing Network.

Session One

Pain and Problems Are an Opportunity for Joy
God turns difficulties into blessings when we apply his Word.
James 1:2–12

The point of trials is not to see whether we are guilty or innocent, pass or fail. The point is development and growth.

Session Two

Dealing with Temptation
God wants to give us strength to resist.
James 1:13–18; 4:7–8

This study will help us learn to deal with our temptations by knowing when we are being tempted and by turning to God for help.

Session Three

True Faith Leads to Change
Faith without works is dead.
James 1:21–25; 2:14–26

Real faith means real obedience. Lots of people consider themselves spiritual, but not nearly as many approach God's Word with a commitment to obedience.

Session Four

True Faith Leads to Social Action
Real faith means compassion and action for the poor.
James 2:1–9; 5:1–6

The question the Book of James raises is simple: what are you going to do about the problems of the poor?

Session Five

Taming Our Tongues
Real faith changes the way we speak.
James 1:19–20, 26; 3:2–12

Nothing is harder to control and bring into obedience to God than our words. This study will give us some tools to begin bringing this unruly member of our bodies under control.

Session Six

Becoming a Praying People
Real faith drives me to talk to God.
James 4:2; 5:13–17

Prayer is the means to know and obey God, and has far more potential than we often realize or utilize. See what the Book of James has to say about prayer with this study.

Total number of pages - 45

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