Isaiah: Trusting God in Troubled Times

Sessions: 11
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In these 11 studies on first half of Isaiah, you'll dig deep into the prophet's revolutionary message of repentance, forgiveness, and hope. And you'll find comfort for coping with your own troubled times.


Getting the Most Out of Isaiah
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

No More Rotten Religion
What signs do you see in society of both plentiful religiosity and moral evilsamong the same people? How can these things coexist?

Isaiah 1

Session Two

Longing & Living for That Day
According to Isaiah 2 the nations stream toward Jerusalem to learn the Lord's ways. How do you maintain the essential balance between learning and doing in your life?
Isaiah 2

Session Three

A Song of Injustice
Isaiah uses a short parable in the form of a love song to rouse his audience's consciences. Recall a song (sacred or secular) that has deeply moved you. Whyand in what direction?

Isaiah 5

Session Four

Responding to God's Call
In this chapter Isaiah comes before the presence of God. He is so overcome by the experience that he cries out, "Woe to me!" Have you ever been shaken by a sense of God's presence and holiness?
Isaiah 6

Session Five

To Us a Child Is Born
Judah turned away from the light into the darkto mediums, spiritists and ghosts. Why are astrology and other pagan spiritual practices so attractive to people?

Isaiah 8:19–9:7

Session Six

A Hope to Live By
In the first ten chapters of Isaiah there is remarkable alternation of the imagery of light and darkness. How do you strengthen or reassert your hopefulness in hard times?
Isaiah 11–12

Session Seven

Our Spoiled World
These verses presuppose a close connection between the earth itself and its inhabitants. In what ways can you see the godlessness of humanity taking its toll on the physical world today?
Isaiah 24

Session Eight

Free at Last!
In this chapter a song of praise arises phoenix-like from the shattered world we saw in chapter 24. What has helped you to come through a desperate situation?
Isaiah 25

Session Nine

Who Can You Trust?
There were many in Judah who were not sure that the Lord would be able to protect Jerusalem. What is the best contribution that people of faith can make to a society that is in the process of dissolution?
Isaiah 30:1–18

Session Ten

The Source of Confidence
Judah claimed to be relying on the Lord but also sought Egypt's protection. How do you maintain a proper balance between "trusting the Lord" and "keeping your powder dry"?
Isaiah 36-37

Session Eleven

How Quick We Are to Forget
Even after his life had been miraculously extended by 15 years, Hezekiah was disloyal to the Lord. Have you had a remarkable experience that you thought would make a decisive difference in your life, only to find that old habits die hard?
Isaiah 38-39

Total number of pages63 pages

Howard Peskett is the UK Scholarships Administrator of the Langham Partnership International, a program founded by John Stott, providing scholarships for Majority World students to do doctoral studies in various countries. Previously he served as a preacher, teacher and theological trainer with OMF International in Singapore and East Asia and as vice principal of Trinity College Bristol in England.

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