Growing Older & Wiser

God still has great plans for you.
Dale and Sandy Larsen

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 9

Sale price$ 34.95


Nine inductive Bible studies reveal how God can effectively and powerfully use Christians who have grown wiser with the passing years.


Getting the Most Out of Growing Older and Wiser
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

Wise Up!
When you hurt, you want relief. But God says what you need is wisdom. If you look to God, he will help you mature through the difficulties that come into your life.
James 1:1-8, 12

Session Two

Wisdom Hunt
Self-help books, neighbors, talk shows, infomercials, counselors, bosseseven friends and family members. You have no shortage of advice, but where do you find wisdom?

Colossians 2:1-10

Session Three

Listening to the Young
Now that you're older, aren't the young supposed to listen to you? Aren't the old wiser? The story of Job shows that wisdom has no age limitbut always comes from God.

Job 32

Session Four

When the Kids Are Grownups Too
How should you relate to your adult children, their spouses or other younger adults in your church? Moses and his father-in-law, Jethro, confronted this question, and their story can provide a pattern for you.
Exodus 18

Session Five

Wiser by Faith
You can get wiser as you get older. What mistakes do you recall making in your younger days? What did God teach you? What would you do differently now?
Genesis 24:1-9

Session Six

They Don't Always Listen
Even when you give good advice to someone else, he or she might ignore it. What then? What happened in your life when you ignored good advice? How does God keep working to bring a stubborn person back onto the right path?
1 Kings 12:1-20

Session Seven

A Reason to Be Here
What do you hope people will remember about your life? Are you optimistic or pessimistic about accomplishing your goals? What if you don't have enough time for all that you think you should do?
Philippians 1:18-26

Session Eight

Dealing with Fears
What are your fears about old age? As you examine your fears, you may discover that God's invitation to find refuge with him takes on a fresh and tangible meaning.
Psalms 71:1-13

Session Nine

Lifelong Trust
Everything but God eventually falls or fails. Where does your hope come from? Where does your help come from? Who do you trust?
Psalm 71:14-24

Total number of pages63 pages

Dale and Sandy Larsen are freelance writers living in Greenville, Illinois. They have written more than thirty Bible study guides, including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Hosea, Faith, Couples of the Old Testament, Images of God and Images of Christ.