Grandparenting: Loving Our Children's Children

Biblical principles to help grandparents pass on a legacy of love and faith.
Phyllis J. Le Peau and Andrew T. Le Peau

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 9

Sale price$ 34.95


In this 9-session study, you will examine important biblical stories and teachings to draw out critical principles for grandparenting.

Getting the Most Out of Grandparenting
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study, and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One
A Grandfather’s Blessing
The world of our grandchildren will be full of challenges and difficulties. Grandparents can offer a foundation of blessing that will be a safe harbor for them when life is stormy.
Genesis 48:1–20

Session Two
Praying for Our Grandchildren
In Ephesians, Paul bursts out with an effusive statement on the amazing wealth of spiritual blessing we have in Christ Jesus. His prayer for the believers in Ephesus can serve as a model for how we can pray for our grandchildren.
Ephesians 1:15–22; 3:14–21

Session Three
From Generation to Generation
Grandparents can have a powerful spiritual influence in their families. In this study of Psalm 78, we will consider how the psalmist passed on the faithfulness of God and his commands to the next generations, even as it had been passed on to him.
Psalm 78:1–8

Session Four
Nurturing Contentment
As grandparents, we have the opportunity to help nurture character and spiritual maturity. Especially in a world that entices us constantly with more and better, this can be a challenging endeavor. In 1 Timothy, Paul offers instructions on how people are to conduct themselves in God’s household.
1 Timothy 6:2–10

Session Five
Loving Your In-Laws
When your children marry, their spouses can be like sons and daughters. But relationships with the spouses of your children can also be fraught with tension and difficulties. In this study, we will consider what Naomi’s relationship with Ruth can teach about loving and accepting your in-laws.
Ruth 1:1–18; 2:8–13; 4:13–17

Session Six
The Problem with Favoritism
In Genesis, we see the destructive nature of favoritism played out in the relationship between Isacc’s sons, Esau and Jacob. This study will explore how favoritism relates to grandparenting, looking at the importance of showing unconditional love to our children and grandchildren.
Genesis 27:30–41 37:1–36

Session Seven
Family Forgiveness
This study looks at Jesus’ mandate to forgive and invites us to consider how this forgiveness affects our children and grandchildren.
Matthew 18:21–35

Session Eight
Never Too Late to Change
Many of us have painful relationships in our lives where change seems impossible. In this study, we will look at the miraculous change that God brought about in King Manasseh as we consider how God can bring about change in our own families.
2 Chronicles 33:1–20

Session Nine
When It Is Time to Step Aside
As grandparents, our role changes from one of leading to one of supporting and encouraging. We intentionally choose to step aside and support the next generation as they take the leadership role in their own families.
2 Samuel 19:31–40

Total number of pages: 84

Phyllis Le Peau worked with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for over two decades in St. Louis and the Chicago metro area. Andrew T. Le Peau is a writer and editor, having served as the long-time associate publisher for editorial at InterVarsity Press. They are the authors and coauthors of several Bible study guides. They have thirteen grandchildren.