Good News: The Meaning of the Gospel

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 9

Sale price$ 34.95


The gospel is the Good News of personal salvation through Jesus Christ, and it also speaks to what God is doing to redeem and reconcile all things to himself. In this 9-session study, you will examine what we must do to be saved as well as the far-reaching implications of the Good News.

Getting the Most Out of Good News: The Meaning of the Gospel
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study, and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One
Created in His Image
At the dawn of time, God not only delighted in his creation, declaring it “very good,” but also in the man and woman he had created in his image and likeness. We will never understand the gospel until we realize that the sinful world around and within us is neither the original nor natural state God intended.
Genesis 1:26—2:25

Session Two
The Fall of Humanity
This study looks at the Fall described in Genesis 3, examining the far-reaching effects of sin on our lives and upon the whole world.
Genesis 3

Session Three
The Call of Abram
This session examines Genesis 12, looking at the call of Abram (who was later named Abraham) and considering why he is such an important part of the gospel narrative.
Genesis 12:1–9

Session Four
The Law of Moses
God made a covenant with Israel which included a call to obedience; God’s laws—like God himself—were righteous and good. In this study, we’ll look closely at Deuteronomy 6 in which Moses tells the people of Israel what it truly means to serve the Lord.
Deuteronomy 6

Session Five
The Power of Sin
In Romans 3:9-20, Paul gives us a preview of Judgment Day, allowing us to know the verdict in advance for all who have not had their sins forgiven in Christ.
Romans 3:9–20

Session Six
The Gift of Righteousness
Paul has already proven that we deserve nothing but God’s just condemnation on Judgment Day. But in Romans 3:21–31 he makes a major shift from law to grace—and that changes everything.
Romans 3:21–31

Session Seven
Transformed by the Spirit
Second Corinthians 3 claims that every Christian is going through a spiritual metamorphosis. We begin life as sinful humans who are totally incapable of loving God and others the way he desires. But when we put our faith in Christ, God promises that someday we will emerge from our spiritual chrysalises as pure and radiant as Jesus himself.
2 Corinthians 3:7–18

Session Eight
The Resurrection
Many Christians today have a Platonic understanding of the gospel that saves our “souls” but gives little thought to the resurrection of the body. In this study, we’ll study a passage in which Paul gives a concise summary of the gospel he preaches and emphasizes the crucial importance of the resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15:1–33

Session Nine
Heaven on Earth
In Revelation 21 the apostle John gives us a glimpse of what he calls “a new heaven and a new earth.” Although his description is filled with layers of symbolism, the reality behind the symbols express our deepest longings.
Revelation 21:1–8

Total number of pages: 67

Jack Kuhatschek formerly served as executive vice president and publisher for Baker Publishing Group in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is the author of many Bible study guides and the books Applying the Bible and The Superman Syndrome.

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