God's Word: Power to Shape Our Lives

Cindy Bunch

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 9

Sale price$ 34.95


Cindy Bunch has written 9 practical studies to help you experience the variety of ways that Scripture can meet your desire for spiritual connection and growth.


Getting the Most Out of God's Word: Power to Shape Our Lives
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

Longing for Christ
Why is the role of the Word in creation emphasized so strongly? How can regarding Scripture as God's living Word impact the way you handle it?
John 1:1-5, 14-18

Session Two

Food for Life
Isaiah 55 is a call to those who have been exiled from Jerusalema call to return and be restored to God. What does turning to God involve?

Isaiah 55

Session Three

Applying the Word
Verse 23 speaks of the crop that comes when someone "hears the word and understands it." How have you experienced the fruit of applying the Word in your own life?
Matthew 13:1-23

Session Four

Gathering Around the Word
In verses 42-47 we see what happens in the lives of the three thousand new believers after they are saved and baptized. How do you respond to the idea of sharing everything?
Acts 2:42-47

Session Five

Knowing the Mind of Christ
Verse 14 says that those without the Spirit see the things of God as foolish. How have you seen this to be true?
1 Corinthians 2:6-16

Session Six

Guided by the Word
Verse 103 describes God's Word as having a sweet taste. What does this metaphor mean to you?
Psalm 119:97-108

Session Seven

Strengthened by the Word
What does it mean to not turn "to the right or to the left" of God's law? How is the "Book of the Law" to be a help to Joshua?
Joshua 1:1-9

Session Eight

Passing the Word On
In verse 8 the Israelites are instructed to "tie [the commandments] as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads." How can we display the truths of Scripture outwardly?
Deuteronomy 6:1-9

Session Nine

Reflecting the Word
Receiving God's law caused Moses to reflect God's glory. How can God's Word cause us to reflect God's glory?
2 Corinthians 3

Total number of pages57 pages

Cindy Bunch is associate editorial director for IVP Books and IVP Connect at InterVarsity Press. She is the author of the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Christian Virtues and God's Word, and the editor, in the same series, of Advent of the Savior (designed for use during the Christmas season) and Jesus' Final Week (designed for use during the season of Lent).