God's Nature: The Trinity

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 3

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Session One

God the Father
What do Christians think about God?
Genesis 1:1; 1 Chronicles 29:10-13; Isaiah 44:6-8; John 4:21-24; 1 John 4:10-16

Trying to define what God is like can get complicated. Some people think of God as "the force" from Star Wars, with both a good side and a dark side. Others picture God as a celestial highway patrolman setting up speed traps to capture people. Some believe the universe is God, and still others believe themselves to be gods. When we talk about God, what kind of God are we talking about?

What do Christians believe about God? The answer may seem like trying to fit an ocean into a thimble, because there's so much that can be said about God, so in this lesson we will discuss just five key truths that are critical to the Christian concept of God.

Session Two

God's Son
What do Christians think about Jesus?
John 5:17-23; Hebrews 4:14-16; 1 Timothy 2:5-6

It's difficult to overstate the impact Jesus Christ has had on this earth. Jesus has been the inspiration of incredible social renewal and also the excuse for horrible evil. People have worshiped him and hated him; they've died for their devotion to him and killed others in his name. The name of Jesus is invoked in cursing more than the name of any other person who's lived on this earth. But when it comes to defining who Jesus really was and is, it gets much more complicated. There are as many opinions of who Jesus is as there are people in our world.

It's not what Jesus taught but who Jesus is that lies at the heart of the Christian faith. This is why Jesus has spiritual authority as a moral teacher. Jesus asked his followers, "Who do you say I am– He never asked, "What do people say I teach– In this lesson we will start with who Jesus is and then discuss what he taught.

Session Three

The Holy Spirit
What do Christians think about the Holy Spirit?
John 16:7-14; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Galatians 5:16-18, 25; Ephesians 1:13-14

A. W. Tozer said, "The idea of the Spirit held by the average church member is so vague as to be nearly nonexistent. When he thinks of the matter at all he is likely to try to imagine a nebulous substance like a wisp of invisible smoke that is said to be present in churches and to hover over good people when they are dying."

Part of our problem is that the Holy Spirit seems so mystical. We can picture God the Father, because we've all seen fathers. We can picture God the Son, because he became human, and we can read about what he did and what he's like. But when we try to picture the Holy Spirit, our minds go blank, and we end up with symbols like a dove or wind or fire. The purpose of this study is to focus on key ideas that every genuine Christian would agree with, and one of those ideas is that the Holy Spirit brings freedom.

Total number of pages34 pages

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