These 8 Bible studies bring us back to the four great loves of Christian life: the love of God, the love of God's Word, the love of God's people and the love of God's purposes in the world.
Getting the Most Out of The Four Great Loves
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.
Session One
Loving God Through Worship
How does the psalmist respond to God's love? In what ways can prayer and worship be a barometer for our relationship with God?
Psalm 116
Session Two
Loving God by Serving Others
What did Jesus mean by telling Peter to feed and tend his sheep? Who are the "sheep" he is calling you to feed and tend?
John 21:1-19
Session Three
Loving God's Word: Our Guide for Life
What difference does a lamp make? For example, what might happen if you found yourself lost in the woods after dark without a light? How does the Bible shine on your path in life?
Psalm 119:97-112
Session Four
Loving God's Word: Our Standard for Truth
In what area of biblical knowledge are you weak? What step could you take to better know Scripture so that you could be "equipped for every good work"?
2 Timothy 3
Session Five
Loving God's People in Their Ethnic Diversity
What object lesson did God teach by making Miriam "like snow" with leprosy? Think of a situation in which you felt different and out of place. What did you experience, and how did you feel?
Numbers 12
Session Six
Loving God's People into the Kingdom
How do you think the Samaritan woman feels when Jesus asks her for a drink? Who are some of the people God may be calling you to befriend?
John 4:4-42
Session Seven
Loving God's Purposes: Trusting God's Plan
Why are the Israelites in exile? What difference would it make to know that God had put you in a difficult situation?
Jeremiah 29:1-14
Session Eight
Loving God's Purposes: A Mission from God
What role do you have in fulfilling God's plan to "bring all things together under Christ"?
Ephesians 1
Total number of pages—63 pages
Judith Allen Shelly (R.N., B.S.N., M.A., D.Min.) is publications director for Nurses Christian Fellowship, director of NCF Press and former editor of the Journal of Christian Nursing. She has written many books, including Spiritual Care: A Guide for Caregivers.