Faith: Depending on God

Learn how to trust God by learning about others who doubted.
Dale and Sandy Larsen

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 9

Sale price$ 34.95


These nine studies on people who struggle with faith and on the teachings of faithful people will encourage you in your journey to deeper trust.


Getting the Most Out of Faith
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

In Praise of Faith
The letter to the Hebrews was written by an unknown Christian to a group of persecuted Jewish Christians, people who needed to have their faith affirmed and strengthened. When have you wished you had more faith?
Hebrews 11:1-16

Session Two

Abraham: Faith Under Construction
God's call to Abraham was definite and understandable. When have you made a major change because you believed the Lord wanted you to, and how did you know what God was asking you to do?
Genesis 12:1-9

Session Three

Righteousness by Faith
Why might it be easier, or at least seem easier, to work toward righteousness by being a good person than to accept God's righteousness in Christ?
Romans 3:19-26

Session Four

Naaman: Faith Without Fireworks
In what areas of your life do you think God waits for you to take a small step of obedience, so he can show you that he is truly God?
2 Kings 5:1-15

Session Five

Faith Without Action
Have you ever bragged about something when it was not quite true? Why did you exaggerate? James warned early Christian believers to match their words with action.
James 2:14-26

Session Six

David: Faith That Worships
The Lord says through the prophet Nathan that the temple would not be built in David's time but would be built by his son. What is a severe disappointment you have experienced? How did it affect your relationship with God?
2 Samuel 7:18-29

Session Seven

The Focus of Faith
In our race of faith, how might we be distracted by the other runners? Why does keeping our eyes on Jesus help us to run with perseverance?
Hebrews 12:1-11

Session Eight

In Jesus' Name: Faith That Asks
Jesus made it clear that asking in his name means more than just ending a prayer with the words "in Jesus name, amen." What do you think he means by "ask in my name"? Why is joy a logical result of asking in Jesus' name?
John 16:16-28

Session Nine

The Finale of Faith
Paul's second letter to Timothy is probably the last letter he wrote. If you could write your own epitaph, what would it say about your faith?
2 Timothy 4:6-18

Total number of pages - 63 pages

Dale and Sandy Larsen are freelance writers living in Greenville, Illinois. They have written more than thirty Bible study guides, including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Hosea, Faith, Couples of the Old Testament, Images of God and Images of Christ.