Exodus: A Glimpse of God

Sessions: 12
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"A spectacular escape and a hair-raising chase scene are only two of the many stories that fill the pages of Exodus. But this book is much more than an epic adventure; it recounts the supernatural rescue of an entire people by their God. Despite God's intervention, the Israelites seem unable to remain loyal to him—even though he produces miracle after miracle for them. But seeing their faltering faith can actually encourage us with a vivid lesson: Even imperfect people can get to know God, who loves them perfectly."

Session One

God Hears
Exodus 1-2

A big part of life is coping with change—and perhaps even more so, seeking to be an agent of change. We also have a crucial need to persevere through trials. Exodus addresses these things and is a foundational book for understanding our desire to control and how easily we are distracted from God (Exodus 12:12). Moses is credited as the compiler of Exodus (24:4); the book is given this name in the Greek Septuagint, largely because the overriding theme is the "exit" from Egypt and the various calamities that occur to make that happen, as well as the trials and teaching that come along the way as God's people travel from the place of bondage to the brink of the Promised Land. But most of all, Exodus reveals God's plan.

Session Two

Exodus 3-5
God Is Extraordinarily Patient

All of us have questions for God. Whether it's as large a question as why there is evil in the world or as small a question as why we faced a disappointment today, we all have questions that remain unanswered. Yet, through Moses, we see that God listens to our questions and lets us struggle as we grope for answers. Hopefully, in the midst of the struggle, we will learn to trust him.

Session Three

God Is Supreme
Exodus 7-10

We have all experienced times when we thought everything was going wrong. What Exodus teaches us is that in spite of all the difficulties, God is always working behind the scenes. And in this case, there were some pretty spectacular results!

Session Four

God Protects
Exodus 11:4-14:31

In the events of the Passover and the dramatic way that God led his people out of Egypt, we find principles to apply to our lives today. We see Christ in the Passover and recognize that the way God led Israel is similar to how he leads us today.

Session Five

God Leads Through Rough Waters
Exodus 13:17-16:16

Have you ever heard someone say, "You know, I think I had an easier time of it whenI was a non-Christian," or "When I first became a Christian everything seemed simpler," or "This day-to-day stuff is hard. I wish God would give me a ten-year plan." We've all felt that way at times, but God insists on leading us through rough waters.

Session Six

God Provides
Exodus 16-17

As we learn to connect with God on a regular basis, he will lead and guide us into the ways he wants to provide for us and give us victory over what plagues us. We just have to trust him.

Session Seven

God Uses Relationships
Exodus 18

God gives us relationships to mold and grow us. They can be our greatest joy or our bitterest burden. But no matter what the relationship, God wants to use it to mold us into the people he wants us to be.

Session Eight

God Commands
Exodus 19-20

G. K. Chesterton said, "If men will not be governed by the Ten Commandments, they shall be governed by the ten thousand commandments." In other words, if we break the Ten, we need many more rules to govern our behavior—a fact made more than abundantly clear as we observe the world around us. Chesterton also said, "Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable." The Ten Commandments help point out the evil of our hearts.

Session Nine

God Is in the Details
Exodus 21-23

We can feel like we are alone in the universe even when we are in a room full of people. But God cared about Israel enough to tell them in great detail how they should be different from the neighboring peoples. From his instruction, we learn how much he cares for us as well.

Session Ten

God Is Glorified
Exodus 24-30

Augustine said, "Idolatry is worshiping anything that ought to be used, or using anything that is meant to be worshiped." The nation of Israel was leaving a pagan environment and establishing a new nation with God as the center and head. They were to leave the idols of the past and move on to worshiping the true God who was above all and over all. To do that, they had to understand how glorious and holy (set apart) he was. The section of Exodus we cover in this study is all about the glory of God.

Session Eleven

God Demands Our Faith
Exodus 31-32

God wants us to know him and trust him. That's what keeps coming through in these chapters in Exodus. And the penalty for ignoring him when he reaches out to us is severe. Yet, we are given many chances to respond to his offer of himself.

Session Twelve

God Reveals Himself
Exodus 33-40

Everyone wants to know more about God. However, we would like to know him on our terms. God will have none of that. He reveals himself his way, but reveal himself he does. We just have to seek him and recognize him in that revelation.

This Study Through the Bible Course is based on the Bible studies "Developing a Passion for God" and "Must Reading for Revolutionary Thinkers: The Book of Exodus for Today's Mind," by Dave DeLuca.

Total number of pages - 90

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