In 13 studies R. Paul Stevens leads you to examine for yourself what the Bible says about end times. Along the way you'll learn what you can do now to be ready for the future—whatever it holds.
Getting the Most Out of End Times
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.
Part 1: Understanding the End Times
Session One
The Last Days Are Here!
What evidence in the text suggests that the Spirit outpoured on Pentecost is now the permanent endowment of the church for its mission in the world? What indication is there that Pentecost might be a one-time event?
Acts 2
Session Two
He Will Come Back
How is it possible for true disciples of Jesus to decide not to be troubled as they face the unknown future, even the prospect of death?
John 14:1-27
Session Three
Signs of the Times
The Second Coming of Jesus will mean for each individual what his or her death will mean: the end of one's personal world. What will it mean for you to live each day with your bags packed up and ready to go?
Mark 13
Session Four
Grappling with Radical Evil
In what ways will the coming of the "man of lawlessness" affect the life and witness of Christians? What evidence do we have of the beginnings of these evil times in our own day and culture?
2 Thessalonians 2
Session Five
God's Timing
National repentance was appropriate for a nation-church like Israel under the old covenant. In what ways should the Lord's people today express their repentance now that the church and the state cannot be completely identified?
Joel 2:12-32
Session Six
The Future of the Human Person
WThe Greeks viewed death as a release for the soul. Why does Paul take a less positive view?
1 Corinthians 15:12-28, 35-44, 58
Session Seven
The Beautiful Judgment of God
Why do you think the Bible connects true holiness with concern for social righteousness? What assurance does Malachi give to those who feel that living righteously "does not pay"?
Malachi 2:17-3:5; 3:13-4:3
Session Eight
Imagining the New Heaven and the New Earth
The law of the temple is the principle of holiness. What will dwelling with God require of those who hunger for God's presence?
Ezekiel 43:1-12; 47:1-12
Part 1: Understanding the End Times
Session Nine
Waiting with Hope
What do the terrible words of Jesus—"I don't know you"—tell us about the basis of final judgment?
Matthew 25:1-13, 31-46
Session Ten
Speeding the End
What are the implications of comparing Christ's coming to a thief's visit?
2 Peter 3
Session Eleven
Making Forever Friends
While not encouraging evil deceit, Jesus does commend shrewdness in his followers. In what ways might we exhibit a good form of shrewdness?
Luke 16
Session Twelve
Investing in Heaven
"Work for the night is coming," goes an old hymn. But as we have already seen, biblical eschatology tells us that we are on the verge of a new day. What effect on your daily activities would these changed words have: "Work for the day is dawning"?
1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18
Session Thirteen
Going to the Lamb's Wedding
W. H. Auden has written that no one is ever sent to hell; he or she insists on going there. How do you react to this thought?
Revelation 7:9-17; 19:1-10; 21:1-9
Total number of pages - 96 pages
Paul Stevens is Professor Emeritus, Marketplace Theology, Regent College (Vancouver, BC) and Marketplace Ministry Mentor. He has worked as a carpenter and small businessman, and served as the pastor of an inner-city church in Montreal. He has written many books and Bible studies, including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies 1 Corinthians (with Dan Williams), 2 Corinthians, Job, Revelation and Spiritual Gifts.