Deuteronomy: Becoming Holy People

Sessions: 12
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Do you long to experience God's presence in your life? In these 12 studies Stephen D. Eyre leads you to explore the story told in Deuteronomythe story of God's people seeking after him. As you trace their journey, experiencing their forward progress, their detours and their obstacles, you, too, will learn to follow God more closely.


Getting the Most Out of Deuteronomy
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

When God Says No
Moses recounts his reluctance to turn over his burden of leadership before seeing the land. How would you describe God's response? In what ways may God's "no" to one of your prayers have been intended as a blessing?
Deuteronomy 3:21-29

Session Two

Remembering When and Why
Moses warns Israel to be careful so they won't let God's Word "slip" from their hearts. What do you think that means? What problems do you experience in keeping God's law fresh and alive in your life?
Deuteronomy 4:1-14

Session Three

Only God Can Save
The heart of Israel's salvation was deliverance from slavery in Egypt. A Christian's salvation is deliverance from sin and the domain of darkness. How is the deliverance from sin a deliverance from slavery?
Deuteronomy 4:32-40

Session Four

The Awe-full Law
Why do you think the experience of receiving the law produces fear? How can the fear of the Lord be a positive influence in your life?
Deuteronomy 5

Session Five

Pass It On
What ways do we have today to impress God's law on the hearts of children?
Deuteronomy 6

Session Six

Being a Holy People
Israel is told that they have a special relationship with God. From these verses, how would you define the word holy?
Deuteronomy 7

Session Seven

Remembering to Be Grateful
God disciplines Israel by testing them in order to reveal what is in their hearts. How have you experienced God's discipline and testing?
Deuteronomy 8

Session Eight

One Place of Worship
Although a central place of worship, the temple, was abolished with the coming of Christ, Christians still gather at "church" as our worship center. What benefits do you get out of worshiping at a centralized place?
Deuteronomy 12:1-14

Session Nine

Getting Out of Debt
What do you think it would be like to live in a community in which debts are forgiven every seven years?
Deuteronomy 15:1-11

Session Ten

God Is Interested in the Details
Vows to God are an important part of Israelite culture. In what ways are you expected to make vows and commitments to the Lord in your Christian community?
Deuteronomy 23:15-25

Session Eleven

The Future Is What You Make It
The curses for disobedience and the blessings for obedience are aimed at cultivating a community of people with spiritually responsive hearts. How would you characterize the spiritual responsiveness of your own heart?
Deuteronomy 30

Session Twelve

Trusting God at the Turning Point
Moses wants to make sure, one last time, that the heart of Israel will be passed on from generation to generation. What provision is made for keeping the law a central part of the nation's life? What do Christians do in order to pass on the good news of Jesus Christ from one generation to the next?
Deuteronomy 31:1-13

Total number of pages - 75 pages

Stephen D. Eyre is a consultant for Church Discipleship Services, which provides guidance, coaching and resources for small groups in churches of all different sizes and denominations. He is also minister of congregational development at Madeira-Silverwood Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. He wrote the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Christian Beliefs, Jeremiah, Moses and (with his wife, Jacalyn) Matthew.

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