Daniel: Spiritual Living in a Secular World

Learn what it takes to remain loyal to godly values.
Douglas Connelly

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 12

Sale price$ 49.95


In twelve inductive Bible studies, you will learn what it takes to remain loyal to godly values and effect change in an unbelieving society.


Getting the Most Out of Daniel
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

Have You Got What It Takes?
What specific tactics were used to give Daniel and his friends a new Babylonian orientation? How do these tactics parallel the pressures Christians face today in a secular society?
Daniel 1

Session Two

A Disturbing Dream
Imagine yourself in Daniel's situation. How would you and your closest friends respond, knowing that you faced certain death if you couldn't interpret a dream you knew nothing about?
Daniel 2:1-30

Session Three

Facing the Future
Daniel 2 is one of the most amazing predictive chapters in the Bible. It was written around 600 B.C., yet it accurately described the future rise and fall of four great empires! What does this chapter teach you about God's activity in the unfolding of human history?
Daniel 2:31-49

Session Four

Bow or Burn!
Some Christians claim that pain or sickness or difficulty are always the result of sin or lack of faith. How would you respond to that claim in light of the story of Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego?
Daniel 3

Session Five

Our God Reigns!
Nebuchadnezzar, the great, proud, powerful king, writes a letter to the world describing how God humiliated him for seven years and then graciously restored him. Describe your most humbling experience. What positive change came from that ordeal?
Daniel 4

Session Six

The Handwriting on the Wall
How do you want to be remembered by the people who are closest to you? What are you doing each day to cultivate the influence you want to leave behind? How does this chapter demonstrate that seventy years of life under Babylon's influence had not broken down Daniel's convictions?
Daniel 5

Session Seven

On the Menu at the Lion's Club
Daniel was not thrown into the lion's den for being bad, but for being godly! If you were being watched as Daniel was, what changes (if any) would you want to make in your present lifestyle?
Daniel 6

Session Eight

A Prophetic Panorama
Have you ever wondered where human history is going–or how it will end? If you had seen this vision with Daniel, what question would you have asked the one who interpreted the vision for Daniel?
Daniel 7

Session Nine

Superpowers in Conflict
If God offered to show you snapshots of your nation's future over the next two hundred years, would you want to see them? Why or why not?
Daniel 8

Session Ten

Kneeling on God's Promises
God promised to release his people after seventy years of captivity. Then why did Daniel need to pray? What specific insights about your own prayer life can you glean from Daniel's prayer?
Daniel 9

Session Eleven

A World Out of Control
When you hear of bad things happening in other areas of the world or to other people, do you wonder why God doesn't intervene to stop what's happening? In the last of Daniel's four visions, Daniel gains new perspective on international events.
Daniel 10:111:35

Session Twelve

Darkness Before Deliverance
Daniel was told to go on with life even though he didn't fully understand all he had been told. Describe a time when you had to trust God even though you didn't understand what he was doing in your life.
Daniel 11:3612:13

Total number of pages - 65 pages

Douglas Connelly is senior pastor of Parkside Community Church in Michigan. He is the author of the books The Bible for Blockheads and The Book of Revelation for Blockheads (both Zondervan) as well as the LifeGuide® Bible Studies John, Encountering Jesus, Miracles and Heaven.