Couples of the Old Testament

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 9

Sale price$ 34.95


Nine inductive Bible studies from InterVarsity profile men and women in relationship, highlighting lessons for married couples and for those learning about marriage.


Getting the Most Out of Couples of the Old Testament
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

Adam and Eve: Ideal Companions
Beyond stereotypes and parodies, this story reveals God's original plan for human marriage and demonstrates how sin has distorted it. Can you recognize both God's plan and sin's distortion in your marriage?
Genesis 2:153:13

Session Two

Abraham and Sarah: Waiting Together
Sometimes life puts you and your spouse on "hold," waiting for children, a job, of home of your own, a resolution of conflict with extended family members. How can you cultivate patience in marriage?
Genesis 17:1-8, 15-22; 21:1-7

Session Three

Isaac and Rebekah: How God Makes a Match
This story highlights how God brings people together and affirms marriage partnerships–often in surprising and creative ways. How does God direct you in significant relationships?
Genesis 24:26-67

Session Four

Jacob and Rachel: Love Endures
People make all sorts of mistakes in relationships–lies, favoritism, manipulation, even revenge. What mistakes have you made or experienced? How has love endured in spite of marital turmoil?
Genesis 29:1-30

Session Five

Boaz and Ruth: Faithfulness Rewarded
God rewards faithfulness, whether in one person or in a whole nation. What rewards have you experienced because of your faithfulness in a relationship?
Ruth 2:1-13; 4:1-17

Session Six

Elkanah and Hannah: Dealing with Disappointment
How do you deal with disappointment? Would you like to handle disappointment differently? This story shows how couples can help each other look to God during difficult seasons of life.
1 Samuel 1

Session Seven

David and Abigail: Wise Intervention
When should you intervene in someone else's life–especially your husband or wife? When do you wish someone would intervene with you? How can you hear God's wisdom through the voice of another person?
1 Samuel 25:14-42

Session Eight

Hosea and Gomer: Unconditioned Love
This story takes you to the edge of what it means to love unconditionally. Have you been forgiven by your spouse? Can you forgive him or her? What holds you back? How can God lead you forward?
Hosea 1 and 3

Session Nine

King Xerxes and Esther: Courageous Influence
Like it or not, you influence the people around you, especially those closest to you. How can you be a positive, godly influence on your spouse? And what might be the risks and rewards?
Esther 4:15:8

Total number of pages - 63 pages

Dale and Sandy Larsen are freelance writers living in Greenville, Illinois. They have written more than thirty Bible study guides, including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Hosea, Faith, Couples of the Old Testament, Images of God and Images of Christ.

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