Advent: Clash of Two Kingdoms

Sessions: 4
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This four-part study looks at the ways that Jesus turned things upside down when he came to Earth. As the introduction to the study says, "[Advent is] more than a nice tale about a baby being born in difficult circumstances. It is the strategy of God and the tactics of the Son. It's about life, death, blood, confrontation, darkness, light, and war. It's the clash of two kingdoms."

Note: Each of the studies below contains both a Leader's Guide and a Participant's Guide.

Session One

Jesus Came to Overcome Darkness

Jesus' coming to earth revealed the great clash of two kingdoms.

John 1

Advent is an immensely important event. It's more than a nice tale about a baby being born in difficult circumstances. It is the strategy of God and the tactics of the Son. It's about life, death, blood, confrontation, darkness, light, and war. It's the clash of two kingdoms.

Session Two

Jesus Came to Overcome Blindness

There are at least four ways that show Jesus has overcome the darkness and given sight to the blind.

2 Corinthians 4:4

Advent is a clash of two kingdoms: darkness and light. Christ is the only way that darkness can be overcome and through him we can receive sight. His power over nature and death, his understanding of human nature, and his zeal for God conquer all that is dark.

Session Three

Jesus Came to Deliver Us

Christ is the gate and the good shepherd.

Isaiah 40:11; Ezekiel 34:1-6, 23-24; John 10:1-21

Advent does not celebrate the birth of mildness and passiveness. Advent is world-altering and life challenging. It is power beyond anything we can imagine, coming with humble tactics that strip human nature of self-sufficiency, self-justification, and self-enthronement.

Session Four

Jesus Came to Reveal His Glory

Jesus was Almighty God who came to earth for our benefit.

John 17:1-5

John gives us an advantage when we read his book: he tells us exactly why he wrote it and what he wants us to get out of it, and lets us know what the Advent season is all about. John 20:31 says, "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name."

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