Acts 13-28: God's Power at the Ends of the Earth

Sessions: 12
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These 12 inductive Bible studies lead you through the second half of Acts. You will discover how the Spirit that empowered the first believers is still working in your life and ministry.


Getting the Most Out of Acts 13-28
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

The Character of Evangelism
Paul showed sensitivity to his audience and their context when he communicated the gospel. What characteristics and qualities do you have that make sharing the gospel natural for you?
Acts 13-14

Session Two

Conflict in the Church
Paul and Barnabas decided to agree to disagree and went their separate ways. What are you like when you are in strong disagreement with others?
Acts 15

Session Three

What Must I Do?
Paul and Silas respond to persecution with prayer and singing. As a result their jailer is saved. How does your response to opposition compare to that of Paul and Silas?
Acts 16

Session Four

An Unknown God
When he visited Athens––the center of pagan philosophy at the timePaul left you and your community a helpful model for approaching a world that cares little about the truth.
Acts 17

Session Five

Companions in Ministry
Paul had significant ministry companions in Priscilla, Aquila and Apollos. What keeps you from allowing others to enter into your life and ministry in such ways?
Acts 18

Session Six

In the Name of Jesus
What is Paul's strategy for communicating the gospel in Ephesus? What kind of plan would be helpful in your world?
Acts 19:1-20:12

Session Seven

Saying Goodbye
Paul tells the Ephesians to follow his example after he has gone. How might you be preparing to have the same confidence with those you nuture spiritually?
Acts 20:13-38

Session Eight

Facing Opposition
Even in the face of death, Paul is single-minded in his obedience to God. What steps do you need to take to become a more obedient disciple of Jesus?
Acts 21:1-22:21

Session Nine

God at Work
God protects Paul from ambush. How have you seen God work to protect and direct you toward his will?
Acts 22:22-23:35

Session Ten

Falsely Accused
How do you usually respond when you are falsely accused? How did Paul respond?
Acts 24:1-25:12

Session Eleven

Testimony Before Agrippa
How does Paul's heart for King Agrippa compare or contrast with your heart for those around you who do not know Christ?
Acts 25:13-26:32

Session Twelve

Paul in Rome!
In Rome Paul continues to preach under guard. What are the situations in your life with non-Christians in which you are tempted to give up on your proclamation of the gospel?
Acts 27-28

Total number of pages - 68 pages

Phyllis J. Le Peau is an area director for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship serving in the Chicago metro area. She is the author of several Bible study guides published by InterVarsity Press and Zondervan, including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Love, Women of the Old Testament and (with her husband, Andrew T. Le Peau) Ephesians and James.

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