Acts 1-12: God's Power in Jerusalem & Judea

Sessions: 12
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These 12 inductive Bible studies lead you through the first half of Acts. You will discover how the Spirit that empowered the first believers is still working in your life and ministry.


Getting the Most Out of Acts 1-12
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

You Will Be My Witnesses
During the days between his resurrection and ascension, Jesus built the confidence of his disciples. What do you need to build your confidence in Jesus?
Acts 1

Session Two

Receiving the Power
The power of the Holy Spirit transformed Peter, who was once a coward who denied Jesus. What reassurances in Peter's message are most important to you as you consider being Jesus' witness?
Acts 2

Session Three

Healing Power
Our understanding of the power of God is deepened as we see it demonstrated in the healing of the crippled beggar. What healing do you need in your life?
Acts 3

Session Four

Called into Question
A disabled person becomes abled! A beggar becomes a contributing citizen! But the religious leaders are not grateful; they are angry. How do you respond when you are challenged or criticized about your faith in Jesus?
Acts 4:1-31

Session Five

Oneness of Heart
When have you experienced the power of the Holy Spirit as a result of being one with other believers? What characteristics does your Christian community share with the believers in Acts?
Acts 4:32-5:16

Session Six

Persecution & Expansion
The church of Jesus Christ continues to expand today in spite of great persecution, even as it did in the day of the apostles. When have you encountered internal or external opposition to the message of Jesus?
Acts 5:17-6:7

Session Seven

Spirit & Wisdom
Stephen is described as "full of the Spirit and wisdom, . . . full of God's grace and power" (Acts 6:3, 8). Describe someone you know who makes you want to know God better.
Acts 6:8-7:60

Session Eight

The Power of Suffering
What is Simon the sorcerer's motivation for wanting power? Confess times when you have tried to receive spiritual power in ways not pleasing to God.
Acts 8

Session Nine

Saul's Conversion
What does Saul's conversion teach you about those in your life who are most likely not to believe?
Acts 9:1-31

Session Ten

Salvation for Every Nation
From God's perspective there is always the potential for reaching every person in all corners of the world with the news of Jesus Christ. In what ways do you need to grow in relating to people of other cultures and races?
Acts 9:32-10:48

Session Eleven

The First Jewish-Gentile Church
What are you like when someone criticizes you? What can you learn from the way Peter responded to those who criticized his ministry to the Gentiles?
Acts 11

Session Twelve

Miraculous Escape
Peter's escape from prison shows that the power of God is demonstrated in response to the prayers of his people. How quickly and persistantly do you and your Christian community resort to prayer?
Acts 12

Total number of pages - 64 pages

Phyllis J. Le Peau is an area director for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship serving in the Chicago metro area. She is the author of several Bible study guides published by InterVarsity Press and Zondervan, including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Love, Women of the Old Testament and (with her husband, Andrew T. Le Peau) Ephesians and James.

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