As you work through these nine studies on Abraham's life, you'll learn to be a person who listens to, obeys, and trusts the God who always keeps his promises.
Getting the Most Out of Abraham: Hearing God's Call
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.
Session One
Hearing God's Call
God commands Abram to leave everything familiar, comfortable and secure in order to fulfill God's plan for his life. How does God call you to give up comfort and security now in order to embrace the future?
Genesis 12
Session Two
Lift Up Your Eyes
God had already promised the land of Canaan to Abram, but Abram is willing to give up his rights to Lot. When is it best to demand or fight for our rights versus giving in and trusting God to provide for us?
Genesis 13
Session Three
Going to Battle
Abram refuses the king of Sodom's offer "so that you will never be able to say, 'I made Abram rich.'" Why is it important for us to realize that God alone is our provider and king?
Genesis 14
Session Four
The Covenant
Abram believes God's promises, and the Lord establishes his covenant with Abram. How do you use symbols or rituals to demonstrate your commitment to others?
Genesis 15
Session Five
Do-It-Yourself Religion
Abram and Sarai had waited ten years for God to give them children. What might have convinced Sarai to "help" God? What dangers do you face when you stop trusting God and take matters into your own hands?
Genesis 16
Session Six
Confirming the Covenant
God introduces himself as "God Almighty"—"the first time he has used this name in Genesis. How might the name give hope to Abraham? How does the name give you hope in difficult circumstances?
Genesis 17
Session Seven
Speaking Face to Face
The dialogue between Abraham and the Lord seems to portray Abraham as more just, compassionate and merciful than God himself. Why does the Lord allow this role reversal? How are your prayers similar?
Genesis 18
Session Eight
Receiving the Promise
Twenty-five long years had passed since God first promised Abraham a son. How does the story of Abraham help you to trust God's faithfulness and believe his promises?
Genesis 21:1-21
Session Nine
The Ultimate Test
The God who knows everything says to Abraham, "Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son." How are your faith and obedience being put to the test?
Genesis 22:1-19
Total number of pages - 63 pages
Jack Kuhatschek is executive vice president and publisher for Baker Books (Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan). He is the author of the books Applying the Bible. and The Superman Syndrome. and of many Bible study guides including the LifeGuide® Bible Studies Romans, Galatians, David, Self-Esteem, Hope, Pleasing God, Spiritual Warfare, Paul. and God's Comfort.