1 Samuel: Putting God First

Product Type: Digital Download

Sessions: 7

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The Book of 1 Samuel is full of colorful characters. In its pages you will meet Hannah, Samuel, Saul, and David. As you experience their tragedies and triumphs, their emotional highs and lows, you'll learn more about yourself—and how God wants to work in your life. This study will look at how to trust God when you don't always get what you want; how to trust your future to him; what priorities you should have in life; and practical steps for maintaining relationships. Most of all, it teaches you how to glorify God in all you do by learning from the successes and failures of those it recounts.

Session One

Trust God with Unmet Desires
How do we handle it when God doesn't seem to be listening?
1 Samuel 1–2:11
What does it mean to keep choosing God in the midst of successes and failures? When it's easy and when it's not?

Session Two

Glorify God in All You Do
We exalt God when we live with excellence and joy.
1 Samuel 14:1–15
We all work, whether it is a paid or volunteer position. So what kind of work is important to God?

Session Three

Focus on What's Important
Our goal should be to please God instead of people.
1 Samuel 16:1–13
So many things pull on our time and attention. It's easy to get sidetracked away from what is really important.

Session Four

Look for Open Doors
Give your gifts and abilities to God to use.
1 Samuel 16:14–23
No matter how God has made you, or whatever you see as your limitations, he can use your abilities to bring honor to his name.

Session Five

Make Friends for the Sake of God's Kingdom
Jonathan modeled how to be a great friend.
1 Samuel 19:1–7
We make friends for all sorts of reasons. But no matter what draws us to a friend initially, our goal in that friendship should be to help that person become all God wants them to be.

Session Six

Forgive Those Who Have Broken Your Trust
David's treatment of Saul showed true forgiveness.
1 Samuel 24
If anyone has ever had a reason to hold a grudge, it was David. Although he married Saul's daughter, played the harp to sooth Saul, and constantly repelled Israel's enemies, Saul repeatedly tried to kill him.

Session Seven

Hope in God for Your Future
It's not okay to rely on horoscopes, consult Ouija boards, or have your palm read.
1 Samuel 28:3–25
Never has it been more socially acceptable to consult mediums, read horoscopes, or seek the advice of psychics. Saul's experience warns us of the consequences of dabbling in this type of activity.

This Study Through the Bible Course is based on The Spiritual Life section of the Woman's Life Bible by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

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