1 & 2 Timothy and Titus: Do What You Have Heard

Sessions: 11
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Eleven inductive Bible studies show you how to lead without timidity and find encouragement to follow through in obedience to God's Word.


Getting the Most Out of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus
This section introduces the topic, explains the structure followed in each study and offers tips for those approaching the study on their own as well as those participating in a group.

Session One

Spiritual Deception
Like the false teachers of Ephesus, some Christian groups today engage in practices and pressures that make members uneasy. When have you encountered a false spirituality in someone?
1 Timothy 1

Session Two

The Way Back to Health
One of the marks of an unhealthy Christian or cultic group is that the group, ministry or leader takes the place of God in the life of the believer. How can this passage keep you on track?
1 Timothy 2

Session Three

Who Can Lead?
How does Paul's list of the key qualities of Christian leaders compare to what you believe are the most important qualities?
1 Timothy 3

Session Four

True & False
When you think of false teaching, do you think of teachers who are morally too loose or too strict? Explain. Which kind of teacher is described here?
1 Timothy 4

Session Five

How Grace Confronts Conflict
How is Timothy to regard the people he ministers to? How can you offer correction to someone in ways that are clear but also affirm the other person as a member of God's family?
1 Timothy 5:1-6:2

Session Six

Find Your Riches in Christ
As Paul concludes his lesson on how to lead the powerful and the powerless, he addresses the wealthy members of the church. What do you believe is the place of money in the life of a Christian?
1 Timothy 6:3-20

Session Seven

Rejected but Not Ashamed
Timothy's mentor has been disgraced; many of his associates have deserted the ministry; many church members are drifting from the faith or cowed by persecution. How have you struggled with similar situations?
2 Timothy 1

Session Eight

Pass It On
Reflect on the older Christians you know. When you are older, whom would you like to imitate? From these verses, what seems to be Paul's main concern for Timothy?
2 Timothy 2

Session Nine

How to Recognize God's Voice
Philetus and Hymenaeus represent a powerful quasi-Christian cult Timothy had to deal with. You can expect the same kind of struggle. What might make you susceptible to heresy?
2 Timothy 3

Session Ten

It's Your Turn Now
Paul takes his part of the future of Christianity and before God, places it in the hands of young Timothy. How can you invest in the growth of young Christian leaders?
2 Timothy 4

Session Eleven

Eight Months to Change a Church
When you feel overwhelmed, what coping mechanisms do you tend to use? How would following Titus's leadership, as opposed to that of false teachers, be liberating?
Titus 1-3

Total number of pages - 79 pages

Pete Sommer is director of teaching and adult discipleship at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church (California). Formerly he was associate director of campus ministries for development with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Sommer also served as board chair of Bayshore Christian Ministries and the Foundation for Advanced Christian Training (FACT).

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