1 & 2 Chronicles: Passion and Prayer

Sessions: 6
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How can we develop a passionate love for God? The Books of 1 & 2 Chronicles may seem like an unlikely place for the answer, but a close look at these two books unveils a wealth of information that can change our lives. This six-session course looks at how we can live up to our potential, experience God's presence, learn to listen to and talk to God, and help the children of today be the leaders of tomorrow.

Session One

Live Your Potential
How can we learn to appreciate and use the gifts God has given us?
1 Chronicles 15:1–16:3
Do you envy other's abilities or think that others don't appreciate your skills? God gave you specific abilities for a purpose. He wants to use those gifts for his glory and others' good.

Session Two

Encourage the Next Generation
Help the children of today be the leaders of tomorrow.
1 Chronicles 22
If the children in your life make you hold your breath at times with anxiety, remember you were once a child. God stayed faithful to you, and he will stay faithful to today's children as well. You can do your part by continuing to pray for them—and not giving up.

Session Three

Sacrifice Your Ego
Let God decide who does what. You just give your all.
1 Chronicles 29:1–20
You jump into a new enterprise with every hope it will succeed, and it flops. All your best efforts can't make it work. Where is God at those times? He's closer than you think.

Session Four

Pray with Reverence
Learn how to pray from Solomon.
2 Chronicles 6:12–7:22
Prayer for our nation is not high on most prayer lists, but maybe it should be. When King Solomon dedicated the temple, he offered one of the loftiest prayers in Scripture. He stood in front of them and lifted his arms toward heaven. Then he knelt down.

Session Five

Pray with Expectation
Prayer gets you ready for God to act.
2 Chronicles 20:1–30
Prayer is sometimes more for us than it is for God. In his wisdom, he knows what we should do. We are the ones who are clueless. That's why we need to converse with him, to get his perspective and guidance in what he wants.

Session Six

Practice Worship
How can I make God's presence real in my life?
2 Chronicles 29:1–36
Sometimes you may tramp through your days hoping God will announce that he's with you. In God's kindness, that happens. Sometimes you get some sense of his presence- a small symbol that whispers, I am a gift from God. But other times, when you feel the greatest need, God seems totally absent.

This Study Through the Bible Course is based on The Spiritual Life section of the Woman's Life Bible (2001, Thomas Nelson, Inc.)

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